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acceptSuspects(Set<Adaptation>) - Method in interface
Confirms that a set of records that were identified as suspects are duplicates of other records in the group.
ALGORITHM - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.FieldComparison.ComparisonType
ALL_FIELD_MATCH - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.DecisionNodeComparisonType
All fields match
apply(FieldMergeContext) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.service.mergefunction.FieldMergeFunction
Applies this function to the given field merge context.
apply(PrimaryKeyFieldMergeContext) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.service.primarykey.mergefunction.PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction
Applies this function to the given primary key field merge context.
apply(List<Adaptation>) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.service.recordselectionfunctions.RecordSelectionFunction
AT_LEAST_N_FIELD_MATCH - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.DecisionNodeComparisonType
At least N fields match
AVERAGE - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.DecisionNodeComparisonType
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