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RANGE - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.FieldComparison
RANGE - Enum constant in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.model.config.FieldComparisonAlgorithm
Record - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
RecordIterable - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
RecordSelectionFunction - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.service.recordselectionfunctions
RecordSelectionFunctionDeclaration - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.registration
registerMergeFunction(MergeFunctionDeclaration) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.registration.MatchAndMergeRegistry
Ensures merge function registration in the add-on's Merge Function table.
registerPrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction(PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunctionDeclaration) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.registration.MatchAndMergeRegistry
Register a custom primary key generator.
registerRecordSelectionFunction(RecordSelectionFunctionDeclaration) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.registration.MatchAndMergeRegistry
Ensures record selection function registration in the add-on's Record selection functions table.
rejectSuspects(Set<Adaptation>) - Method in interface
Confirms that a set of records, identified as suspects, are in fact not suspects of other records in the group.
removeMatches(Set<Adaptation>) - Method in interface
Confirms that a set of records, identified as matching, are in fact false positives and not duplicates.
resumeMatchingTrigger(AdaptationTable) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.mame.service.configuration.ConfigurationOperations
Resumes the matching trigger and allows matching operations to run on the table.
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