Class CSVExportDataExchangeHelperContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CSVExportDataExchangeHelperContext extends Object implements DataExchangeHelperContext
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec for exporting CSV from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
  • Constructor Details

    • CSVExportDataExchangeHelperContext

      public CSVExportDataExchangeHelperContext(String preferenceName, com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Creates a new CSVExportDataExchangeHelperContext using the preference name.
      preferenceName - the preference name is declared in Name field of the Application interface preference table in the {addon.label} dataset.
      currentTable - the current table.
      session - the current session.
  • Method Details

    • getCurrentDataset

      public com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getCurrentDataset()
      Returns the current dataset.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentDataset in interface DataExchangeHelperContext
    • getCurrentTable

      public com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getCurrentTable()
      Returns the current table.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentTable in interface DataExchangeHelperContext
    • getSession

      public com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
      Returns the current session.
      Specified by:
      getSession in interface DataExchangeHelperContext
    • getServiceType

      public ServiceType getServiceType()
      Returns the specified service type.
      Specified by:
      getServiceType in interface DataExchangeHelperContext
    • getPreferenceName

      public String getPreferenceName()
      Returns the specified preference name declared in Namefield of the Application interface preference table in the {addon.label} dataset.