Interface TransformationExecutionContext<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>

All Known Subinterfaces:
AggregationTransformationExecutionContext<SC,TC>, ExportTransformationExecutionContext<SC,TC>, ImportTransformationExecutionContext<SC,TC>, TransferTransformationExecutionContext

public interface TransformationExecutionContext<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>
Provides the transformation context.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current procedure context of the on-going transaction when importing, returns null when exporting.
    Returns the referenced table if the node is a foreign key and null otherwise.
    Returns the source field for Excel and CSV only.
    Returns a record from the source table during transfer or export and null during import.
    Returns the target field during transfer or import and null during export.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceRecord

      Record<SC> getSourceRecord()
      Returns a record from the source table during transfer or export and null during import.
    • getSourceField

      SC getSourceField()
      Returns the source field for Excel and CSV only.
    • getTargetField

      TC getTargetField()
      Returns the target field during transfer or import and null during export.
    • getReferencedTable

      com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getReferencedTable()
      Returns the referenced table if the node is a foreign key and null otherwise.
    • getProcedureContext

      com.orchestranetworks.service.ProcedureContext getProcedureContext()
      Returns the current procedure context of the on-going transaction when importing, returns null when exporting.