Interface TableMappingResult

public interface TableMappingResult
Result for a TableMapping after performing a data integration execution.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceTable

      Table getSourceTable()
      Returns the source table.
    • getTargetTable

      Table getTargetTable()
      Returns the target table.
    • getNumberOfProcessedRecords

      int getNumberOfProcessedRecords()
      Returns the total number of processed records from the source table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfInsertedRecords

      int getNumberOfInsertedRecords()
      Returns the number of inserted records in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfUpdatedRecords

      int getNumberOfUpdatedRecords()
      Returns the number of updated records in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfDeletedRecords

      int getNumberOfDeletedRecords()
      Returns the number of deleted records in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfUnchangedRecords

      int getNumberOfUnchangedRecords()
      Returns the number of unchanged records in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfFailedRecords

      int getNumberOfFailedRecords()
      Returns the number of failed records when persisting in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getNumberOfSkippedRecords

      int getNumberOfSkippedRecords()
      Returns the number of skipped records when persisting in the target table.

      This number is irrelevant if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.

      See Also:
    • getErrorMessages

      Iterator<com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage> getErrorMessages()
      Returns the error messages during the data integration execution.
    • hasFatalError

      boolean hasFatalError()
      Returns true if a fatal error happens during the data integration execution.
    • getFatalErrorMessage

      com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getFatalErrorMessage()
      Returns the fatal error or null.
      See Also: