Class TableMapping<SF extends Field,​TF extends Field>

    • Constructor Detail

      • TableMapping

        public TableMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <ST extends Table<SF>,​SF extends Field,​TT extends Table<TF>,​TF extends FieldTableMapping<SF,​TF> of​(SourceTable<ST,​SF> source,
                                                                                                                                                   TargetTable<TT,​TF>... targets)
        Creates a new instance from a source table and one or many target tables.
        Type Parameters:
        ST - Source table type.
        SF - Source field type.
        TT - Target table type.
        TF - Target table type.
        source - The source table.
        targets - The target tables.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any table is null or invalid.
      • mapFields

        public abstract TableMapping<SF,​TF> mapFields​(SF sourceField,
                                                            TF targetField)
        Maps a source field and a target field.
      • mapFieldsWithMatcher

        public final TableMapping<SF,​TF> mapFieldsWithMatcher​(java.util.Collection<SF> sourceFields,
                                                                    java.util.Collection<TF> targetFields,
                                                                    FieldMatcher<SF,​TF> fieldMatcher)
        Maps automatically all source fields and target fields using the provided FieldMatcher.
      • fromSourceFieldStep

        public abstract SourceFieldMappingStep<SF,​TF> fromSourceFieldStep​(SF field)
        Initializes a mapping from the specified source field.
      • fromConstantStep

        public abstract ConstantTransformationMappingStep<SF,​TF> fromConstantStep​(java.lang.String value)
        Initializes a mapping from the specified constant transformation.