Class EBXField

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class EBXField extends Object implements Field
Field in an EBXTable.
  • Constructor Details

    • EBXField

      public EBXField()
  • Method Details

    • getSchemaNode

      public abstract com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaNode getSchemaNode()
      Returns the schema node of this field.
    • isPrimaryKey

      public boolean isPrimaryKey()
      Returns true if this field is a primary key.
    • isForeignKey

      public boolean isForeignKey()
      Returns true if this field is a foreign key field.
    • isComplex

      public boolean isComplex()
      Returns true if this field is a complex field.
    • isEnum

      public boolean isEnum()
      Returns true if this field is a enumeration field.
    • isPrimaryKeyLabelIncluded

      public boolean isPrimaryKeyLabelIncluded()
      Returns true if this field is a record label field.
    • isForeignKeyLabel

      public boolean isForeignKeyLabel()
      Returns true if this field is a foreign key label field.
    • isEnumLabel

      public boolean isEnumLabel()
      Returns true if this field is a enumeration label field.
    • getEnumLabelField

      public EBXField getEnumLabelField()
      Returns enumeration label field if this field is a enumeration field.
      IllegalStateException - If this field is not enumeration field.
    • getForeignKeyLabelField

      public EBXField getForeignKeyLabelField()
      Returns foreign key label field if this field is a foreign key field.
      IllegalStateException - If this field is not foreign key field.
    • getChildrenForeignKeyPaths

      public Iterator<com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path> getChildrenForeignKeyPaths()
      Returns an iterator of all child foreign key paths if this is a composite foreign key.
      See Also:
    • getChildForeignKeyField

      public EBXField getChildForeignKeyField(com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path pathInAdaptation)
      Returns the child foreign key field if this is a composite foreign key.
      IllegalStateException - If this field is not foreign key field.
      See Also: