Interface PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunctionDeclaration

public interface PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunctionDeclaration
Declares a custom merge function for primary key fields.

A merge function for a primary key can be registered and declared in the context of a MatchAndMergeRegistry.registerPrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction(PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunctionDeclaration).

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the merge function name for the primary key.

      The name must be unique across all merge functions for primary keys.

      This method is invoked when the custom merge function is registered in the MatchAndMergeRegistry.

      String The identifier of primary key field merge function
    • getLabel

      com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getLabel()
      Returns the label of the function.

      This method is invoked when displaying the primary key field merge function's localized name in the view.

      The label of the primary key merge function
    • getPrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction

      PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction getPrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction()
      Returns a primary key field merge function.

      This method is invoked every time the merge sessions are launched.

      PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction Returning a PrimaryKeyFieldMergeFunction object is mandatory. This accessor is called internally only.