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MailSpec - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
This interface provides the possibility to send emails in a workflow context.
MailSpec.ContentType - Class in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
MailSpec.NotificationType - Class in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Indicates the notification type.
MAILTO - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MalformedXPathExpressionException - Exception in com.onwbp.adaptation
Thrown when an XPath expression is malformed.
MalformedXPathExpressionException(UserMessage) - Constructor for exception com.onwbp.adaptation.MalformedXPathExpressionException
MalformedXPathExpressionException(UserMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.onwbp.adaptation.MalformedXPathExpressionException
MANAGE_ALLOCATION - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.ProcessExecutionContext.WorkflowPermission
The permission to manage the allocation of work items.
markHomeForHistoryPurge(AdaptationHome, Session) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.instance.RepositoryPurge
Marks the specified dataspace or snapshot for history purge.
markHomeForHistoryPurge(AdaptationHome, Date, Date, Session) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.instance.RepositoryPurge
Marks the interval [aStartDate,anEndDate) for the specified dataspace or snapshot for history purge.
markHomeForPurge(AdaptationHome, Session) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.instance.Repository
markHomeForPurge(AdaptationHome, Session) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.instance.RepositoryPurge
MASS_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey
Built-in service to perform a mass update of records.
MASSDELETE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey
Built-in service to perform a mass delete of records.
matches(String) - Method in interface com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation
For a table record, this method returns whether the XPath predicate matches the record.
matches(String, Locale) - Method in interface com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation
For a table record, this method returns whether the localized XPath predicate matches the record.
max(AccessPermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.AccessPermission
Returns the least restrictive between this permission and the permission given as an argument.
max(Supplier<AccessPermission>) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.AccessPermission
Returns the least restrictive between this permission, and the permission supplied by the specified function.
max(ActionPermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ActionPermission
Returns the least restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.
max(UserServicePermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.userservice.permission.UserServicePermission
Returns the least restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.
MAX_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.instance.HomeKey
Maximum length of a dataspace or snapshot key: 32.
MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationReference
Maximum length of a reference string: 64.
MENU - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MERGE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey
Built-in service to merge a dataspace into its parent: the user is directed to the merge user interface in order to merge the selected dataspace into its parent dataspace.
MERGE_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode
This code is returned when a merge has been cancelled by the user.
MERGE_DONE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode
This code is returned when a merge has been processed successfully.
MERGE_ERROR - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode
This code is returned when an error occurs during merge.
MERGE_VIEW - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey
Built-in service to display the merge view: the user is directed to the merge user interface in order to detect differences and conflicts without performing the merge of the selected dataspace into its parent.
MergeSpecForHome - Class in com.orchestranetworks.service
Specifies the contents of a dataspace to be merged.
MergeSpecForHome(AdaptationHome) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.service.MergeSpecForHome
Specifies the dataspace to merge.
MergeSpecForInstanceContents - Class in com.orchestranetworks.service
Specifies the contents to be merged for a dataset.
MergeSpecForInstanceContents() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.service.MergeSpecForInstanceContents
min(AccessPermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.AccessPermission
Returns the most restrictive between this permission and the permission given as an argument.
min(Supplier<AccessPermission>) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.AccessPermission
Returns the most restrictive between this permission, and the permission supplied by the specified function.
min(ActionPermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ActionPermission
Returns the most restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.
min(UserServicePermission) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.userservice.permission.UserServicePermission
Returns the most restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.
modalCustom(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.action.DisplayMode
Returns an instance of ModalCustom.
modalMedium(boolean) - Static method in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.action.DisplayMode
Returns an instance of ModalMedium.
MODIFY - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.BuiltInTrigger_launchWorkflow.IncomingEvent
modifyProcessPriority(Integer) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.workflow.ProcessExecutionContext
Dynamically set the priority of the current process instance.
ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Context for the registration of a module, invoked at the initialization of the EBX® repository.
ModuleDefinitionException - Exception in com.onwbp.base.repository
Exception thrown when a module cannot be registered properly.
ModuleDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.onwbp.base.repository.ModuleDefinitionException
ModuleDefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.onwbp.base.repository.ModuleDefinitionException
ModuleInitializedContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Context for the registration of dynamic resources and module-specific initializations.
ModuleNotFoundException - Exception in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Thrown to indicate that a specified module (web application) has not been registered in the current environment.
ModuleNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.ui.ModuleNotFoundException
ModuleRegistration - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Ensures the EBX® module registration.
ModuleRegistrationAdvancedD3 - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Completes module registration so as to be able to properly set up the required environment of a D3 replica node.
ModuleRegistrationListener - Class in com.orchestranetworks.module
Ensures the EBX® module registration from a servlet context listener.
ModuleRegistrationServlet - Class in com.orchestranetworks.module
Ensures the EBX® module registration from a HTTP servlet.
ModuleSearchRegistrationContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Context for registering custom search resources in EBX®.
ModuleServiceRegistrationContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.module
Context for registering the new module user services and the user service extensions in EBX®.
ModulesRegister - Class in com.onwbp.base.repository
This class has been replaced by ModuleRegistrationServlet.
ModulesRegister() - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.repository.ModulesRegister
MONITORING_PUBLICATIONS - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.WorkflowView
Workflow monitoring publications section.
MONITORING_WORKFLOWS - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.WorkflowView
Workflow monitoring workflows section.
MONITORING_WORKITEMS - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.WorkflowView
Workflow monitoring work items section.
MORE_VERT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_ALL_LEFT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_ALL_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_LEFT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_TOP - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MOVE_UP - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon
MY_PROFILE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey
Built-in service to access current user's profile settings.
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TIBCO EBX® Version 6.0.5. Copyright TIBCO Software Inc. 2001-2022. All rights reserved.

All third party product and company names and third party marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification.