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UIAjaxComponent - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Abstract class for implementing an Ajax component.
UIAjaxComponent() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIAjaxComponent
UIAjaxContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Encapsulates an HTTP response so that an Ajax component is able to generate its part of the DHTML page.
UIAtomicWidget - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets based on a single data model field.
UIAtomicWithEnumeration - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets based on a single data model enumerated field.
UIAtomicWithEnumerationItem - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface represents an item in the parent interface UIAtomicWithEnumeration, which corresponds to an index in the enumeration.
UIBeanEditor - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
From 5.8.0, please use the new API UICustomWidget instead.
UIBeanEditor() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIBeanEditor
UIBeanEditorV4 - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
To use only for backward compatibility of UIBeanEditor implementations written in versions 4.x. One must consider to migrate these implementations as soon as possible.
UIBeanEditorV4() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIBeanEditorV4
UIBodyWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface provides methods for adding text to the body of a document.
UIButtonIcon - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class is used to set the icon of a button.
UIButtonLayout - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class can be used to set the layout of a button.
UIButtonRelief - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class provides different ways to display the relief of a button.
UIButtonSpec - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This abstract class provides the common features for different types of buttons.
UIButtonSpecJSAction - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Standard button to launch a JavaScript command.
UIButtonSpecJSAction(UserMessage, String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonSpecJSAction
UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Standard toggle button that calls a JavaScript command for each change of state.
UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle(UserMessage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle
UIButtonSpecNavigation - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This abstract class provides the common features for buttons that can redirect current user.
UIButtonSpecSubmit - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
In the context of User services, specifies an HTML submit button.
UIButtonSpecSubmit(UserMessage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonSpecSubmit
UIButtonSpecURL - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Standard button to redirect user to a given URL.
UIButtonSpecURL(UserMessage, String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonSpecURL
The constructor.
UICheckBox - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface represents a checkbox corresponding to an index in an enumeration.
UICheckBoxGroup - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Group of checkboxes based on an enumeration.
UIColorPicker - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface represents a color picker which is composed of a preview box, an input and a button.
UIComboBox - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Combo box composed of a drop-down list and a text box to filter the list.
UIComponentWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface offers common user interface methods to create standard EBX® components.
UIContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Common abstract class for UIBeanEditor contexts.
UICSSClasses - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class defines all CSS classes usable for User services, UI beans and FormPanes.
UICSSClasses.DIALOG_BOX - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
UICSSClasses.ICONS - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
All the CSS classes used to display standard icons.
UICSSClasses.TABLE - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
For basic tables (<table>, <tr>, <th> and <td> containing data).
UICSSClasses.TEXT - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
All the CSS classes used to display standard text styles.
UICSSUtils - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class defines server-side CSS utilities.
UICustomWidget - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Base class for custom widgets.
UIDatasetSelector - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
A widget made of a combo box displaying the dataset tree and a text box for filtering.
UIDataspaceSelector - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
A widget made of a combo box displaying the dataspace tree and a text box for filtering.
UIDateTime - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Date/time field.
UIDependencyRegisterer - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface provides methods to add dependencies to resource files in the current response context.
UIDropDownList - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Simple HTML drop-down list.
UIExpandCollapseBlock - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
In the context of a form, specifies an expand/collapse block specification.
UIForm - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
This abstract class is the entry point for implementing a custom record form.
UIForm() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.UIForm
UIFormBody - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Allows defining the body of a custom form.
UIFormBottomBar - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
The bottom bar of a form can be composed of four buttons: Close Revert Save Save & Close Any button can be removed and/or have a custom label.
UIFormContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Context provided by the user interface container that helps when defining the various parts of a custom form.
UIFormGroup - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
In the context of a form, specifies a group of form rows or form groups with an indentation.
UIFormGroup.DisplayMode - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
A form group can have several display modes.
UIFormHeader - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Allows defining the header of a custom form.
UIFormLabelSpec - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Specifies a label to display and optional additional documentation, accessible in a pop-up.
UIFormLabelSpec(String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIFormLabelSpec
Creates a simple label.
UIFormLabelSpec(UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane, String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIFormLabelSpec
Creates a simple label and documentation pane displayed in a pop-up.
UIFormLabelSpec(UserMessage) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIFormLabelSpec
Creates a simple label with a UserMessage.
UIFormLabelSpec(UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane, UserMessage) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIFormLabelSpec
Creates a simple label with a UserMessage and a documentation pane that is displayed in a pop-up.
UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Describes the content of a documentation pane.
UIFormNode - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
In the context of a form, specifies a record node in a row.
UIFormNode.DisplayMode - Enum in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Represents the display policy of a node.
UIFormPane - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Allows to define an HTML content.
UIFormPaneFromPathList - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
This pane provides a table with a list of simple fields/complex groups.
UIFormPaneFromPathList(List<Path>) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.UIFormPaneFromPathList
Instantiates a new form pane from a path list.
UIFormPaneWithTabs - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
This layout divides the form into a set of tabs.
UIFormPaneWithTabs() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.UIFormPaneWithTabs
Instantiates a new form pane with tabs (tabbed pane).
UIFormPaneWithTabs.Tab - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
This class offers a tab to have a UIFormLabelSpec for the title and thus can have a UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane.
UIFormPaneWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
Encapsulates an HTTP response so that a form layout is able to generate its part of the page, including the building of standard model-driven widgets.
UIFormRequestContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Encapsulates an HTTP request so that a custom form can provide the user input validation context.
UIFormRow - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
In the context of a form, specifies a row composed of an icon, a label and a user input area (or display area, if in read-only mode).
UIFormRowIcon - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class can be used to set a built-in icon at the beginning of a form row.
UIFormSpec - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
In the context of User services, specifies the general features of an HTML form.
UIFormSpec() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIFormSpec
UIFormWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form
This interface offers methods useful to create standard EBX® forms.
UIHttpManagerComponent - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class is a utility for invoking user interface components using the HTTP protocol.
UIHttpManagerComponent.CloseButtonSpec - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Defines the appearance of the close button.
UIHttpManagerComponent.DataSetFeatures - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Constants for features available in dataset.
UIHttpManagerComponent.RecordFeatures - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Constants for features available in record form.
UIHttpManagerComponent.Scope - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Defines the scope of the user navigation, namely, the parts of the user interface that are available to the user during the session.
UIHttpManagerComponent.ViewFeatures - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Constants for features available in tables and hierarchies.
UIHttpManagerComponentHelper - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
UIHttpManagerComponentHelper() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIHttpManagerComponentHelper
UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Represents the return code of a user interaction initiated by UIHttpManagerComponent.
UIJavaScriptWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface provides methods to add JavaScript in the current response context.
UILabelRenderer - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Interface for displaying a record in a table or a foreign key constraint.
UILabelRendererContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Provides a context for displaying a record.
UILabelRendererForHierarchy - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Interface for presenting a hierarchy node inside a hierarchy tree.
UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Provides a context for displaying a hierarchy node.
UIListBox - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Simple HTML list box, with multi-selection.
UIListCustomWidget - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Base class for custom widgets handling whole list elements.
UIListCustomWidget(WidgetFactoryContext) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UIListCustomWidget
UIListCustomWidget(Path, WidgetFactoryContext) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UIListCustomWidget
UIPassword - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Password field.
UIRadioButton - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface represents a radio button corresponding to an index in an enumeration.
UIRadioButtonGroup - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Group of radio buttons based on an enumeration.
UIRenderer - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Provides a common interface for computing labels.
UIRenderingMode - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Defines the rendering mode of the UI.
UIRequestContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
From 5.8.0, please use the new API UICustomWidget instead.
UIResourceLocator - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface defines methods to build URLs that change the entity in the current navigation context and access various types of resources (Web Component, Ajax component, static web resources).
UIResponseContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
From 5.8.0, please use the new API UICustomWidget instead.
UIServiceComponentWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
From release 6.0, this API is no longer supported. The new UserService API should be used instead.
UISessionContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This interface provides methods for retrieving a user session from a user interface component.
UISimpleCustomWidget - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Base class for custom widgets handling non-list elements.
UISimpleCustomWidget(WidgetFactoryContext) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UISimpleCustomWidget
UISimpleCustomWidget(Path, WidgetFactoryContext) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UISimpleCustomWidget
UITable - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface represents a table component.
UITableCellStyleHandler - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
This class is used to define table cell styles for a UI bean editor.
UITableCellStyleHandler.BackgroundRepeat - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
UITableFilter - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Abstract class for implementing a user interface filter on a table.
UITableFilter() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UITableFilter
UITableFilterContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Common interface for contexts used by a UITableFilter A UITableFilter request context and response context are both associated with a specific data model node and a session.
UITableFilterRequestContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Encapsulates an HTTP request in order to set up a filter.
UITableFilterResponseContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui
Encapsulates an HTTP request in order to display a table filter.
UITextBox - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
One-line or multi-line text box.
UIWidget - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets.
UIWidgetFactory<T extends UIWidget> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
This interface defines a factory to create a custom widget.
UIWidgetFileUpload - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Widget for an upload file field.
UIWidgetFileUpload(WidgetFactoryContext) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UIWidgetFileUpload
UIWidgetFileUploadFactory - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget
Widget factory for an upload file field.
UIWidgetFileUploadFactory() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.form.widget.UIWidgetFileUploadFactory
Factory constructor.
UnavailableContentError - Exception in com.onwbp.adaptation
Unchecked exception thrown when the content of a dataset is not available, because the associated data model has errors.
UNBREAKABLE_SPACES - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.ui.UICSSClasses.TABLE
Sets the white spaces as unbreakable.
UniquenessConstraint - Interface in
Defines a uniqueness constraint (property xs:unique) held by a table node in a data model.
unlock(AdaptationHome, Session) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.service.extensions.LockSpec
Unlocks the specified dataspace.
UNOPTIMIZED - Static variable in class
Only used to set a key to an unoptimized search
UnprocessableEntityException - Exception in
A runtime exception indicating that the request was understood and the syntax was correct but that the server was unable to process the contained instructions.
UnprocessableEntityException() - Constructor for exception
Creates an unprocessable entity exception without message.
UnprocessableEntityException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates an unprocessable entity exception.
UnprocessableEntityException(UserMessage) - Constructor for exception
Creates an unprocessable entity exception.
UnprocessableEntityException(String, Integer) - Constructor for exception
Creates an unprocessable entity exception.
UnprocessableEntityException(UserMessage, Integer) - Constructor for exception
Creates an unprocessable entity exception.
UNPUBLISH - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.ProcessExecutionContext.WorkflowPermission
The permission to unpublish.
unregisterAllObjects() - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceObjectContextBuilder
Unregisters all objects from the object context.
unregisterObject(ObjectKey) - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceObjectContextBuilder
Unregisters an object from the object context.
unregisterWebApp(Servlet, ServletConfig) - Static method in class com.onwbp.base.repository.ModulesRegister
Since 5.9.0, this method is replaced by ModuleRegistrationListener.
UPDATE - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ImportSpecMode
Update mode: only modifications of existing records are allowed.
UPDATE_OR_INSERT - Static variable in class com.orchestranetworks.service.ImportSpecMode
Update or insert mode: both record creations and modifications of existing records are allowed.
UploadedFile - Class in com.orchestranetworks.schema.types.file
This class represents an uploaded file.
UploadedFile() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.schema.types.file.UploadedFile
Default constructor.
URI - Static variable in class
URIBuilderForBuiltin<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Provides useful methods to generate a URI to EBX® built-in REST services.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataAndHistory - Interface in
Aggregates methods to generate built-in REST services URI to data and history category resources.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataset<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services URI to a dataset.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataspace<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Beta feature: Contains methods to generate built-in REST services URI to a dataspace.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForNode<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services URI to a record field or a dataset node.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForRecord<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services URI to a record.
URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForTable<T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> - Interface in
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services URI to a table.
URIBuilderForResource - Interface in
This class provides useful methods to generate URI to EBX® packaged resources.
URIInfoUtility - Interface in
This class provides useful methods to generate URI specific to EBX®.
URL_ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in interface
URL_ACTION_PREPARE_FOR_CREATION - Static variable in interface
URL_ACTION_PREPARE_FOR_DUPLICATION - Static variable in interface
URL_ACTION_PUBLISHED_VIEWS - Static variable in interface
URL_ACTION_SELECT - Static variable in interface
URLAction - Class in com.orchestranetworks.ui.action
Defines an action that opens a specific URL.
URLAction(String) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.ui.action.URLAction
Creates an action opening the specified URL.
URLQuery - Class in com.orchestranetworks.service
Represents a list of URL query parameters.
URLQuery() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.service.URLQuery
The default constructor.
UserMessage - Class in com.onwbp.base.text
Common abstract class for holding a text message.
UserMessageLocalized - Class in com.onwbp.base.text
Provides a localized message based on strings directly set from Java code (not externalized).
UserMessageLocalized() - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageLocalized
UserMessageRef - Class in com.onwbp.base.text
Holds a user message that is persisted in a Java resource bundle.
UserMessageRef(String, Throwable, String, Object[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageRef
UserMessageRef(String, Throwable, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageRef
UserMessageRef(Severity, String, String, Object[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageRef
UserMessageRef(Severity, String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageRef
UserMessageString - Class in com.onwbp.base.text
Provides a message based on strings directly set from Java code (not externalized).
UserMessageString() - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageString
Creates an information message without parameters.
UserMessageString(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageString
Creates an information message.
UserMessageString(Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageString
Creates an information message.
UserMessageString(Severity, String, Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageString
UserMessageString(Severity, String, Object[], String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessageString
UserReference - Class in com.orchestranetworks.service
Identifies a specific user.
UserService<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Main interface to be implemented for a user service.
UserServiceAjaxContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when processing an Ajax request.
UserServiceAjaxRequest - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Interface that an Ajax request callback must implement.
UserServiceAjaxResponse - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to generate a response when processing an Ajax request.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext<S extends AssociationTableEntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get the contextual information when the user service must be created in replacement of the default record form, for an associated object to be created or accessed.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForCreate - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association and current user session.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForDefault - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association record and current user session.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForDuplicate - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association record and current user session.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines a factory to create a UserService replacing the default record form in the context of an associated object to be created or accessed.
UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactoryContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
Provides methods for setting up a UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory in the context of its data model.
UserServiceDeclaration<S extends EntitySelection,U extends ActivationContext<S>> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
This interface allows to declare a user service.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnAssociation - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works at an association element level.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnAssociationRecord - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works on a single associated record.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnDataset - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works at the global dataset level.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnDataspace - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works at the global dataspace level.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnHierarchy - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works at the hierarchy level.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnHierarchyNode - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works on a single hierarchy node.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnRecord - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works on a single record.
UserServiceDeclaration.OnTableView - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Declares a user service that works at the table level, tabular view level and/or record selection level.
UserServiceDeclarationException - Exception in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
This runtime exception is thrown during a user service declaration, if it is inconsistent.
UserServiceDeclarationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration.UserServiceDeclarationException
UserServiceDeclarationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration.UserServiceDeclarationException
UserServiceDeclarationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration.UserServiceDeclarationException
UserServiceDisplayConfigurator - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to set up a user service display.
UserServiceEvent - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Interface that an event callback must implement.
UserServiceEventContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when processing an event.
UserServiceEventOutcome - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
An object returned by an event callback should implement this interface.
UserServiceException - Exception in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This runtime exception is thrown by some methods related to user services.
UserServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceException
UserServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceException
UserServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceException
UserServiceExtended<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Extended interface that can be implemented by a user service.
UserServiceExtensionDeclaration - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Allows to extend an existing user service.
UserServiceGetContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when processing a GET request.
UserServiceGetRequest - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Interface that a GET request callback must implement.
UserServiceGetResponse - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to generate a response when processing an GET request.
UserServiceInitializeContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when initializing a user service.
UserServiceInvocationContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface defines methods to get contextual information about the user service being invoked.
UserServiceNext - Class in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This class provides static methods to create standard outcome values specifying what to do next.
UserServiceNext() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.userservice.UserServiceNext
UserServiceObjectContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to access objects registered for the user service.
UserServiceObjectContextBuilder - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to register or remove objects managed by the user service.
UserServiceObjectContextForInputValidation - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods to access or update objects registered for the user service.
UserServicePane - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Interface that a user service pane must implement.
UserServicePaneContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when defining a user service pane.
UserServicePaneWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides useful methods for rendering a user service pane.
UserServicePermission - Class in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.permission
Defines the permission for whether or not a user can display or execute a user service.
UserServiceProcessEventOutcomeContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when processing an event outcome.
UserServicePropertiesDefinitionContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.declaration
Provides a context to define the common properties of a user service.
UserServiceRawPane - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface allows to define a user service raw pane.
UserServiceRawPaneContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when defining a user service raw pane.
UserServiceRawPaneWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides useful methods for rendering a user service pane.
UserServiceRecordFormContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get contextual information when the user service must be created in replacement of the default record form.
UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForCreate - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected table and current user session.
UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForDefault - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected record and current user session.
UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForDuplicate - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected record and current user session.
UserServiceRecordFormFactory - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
This interface defines a factory to create a UserService replacing the default model-driven record form.
UserServiceRecordFormFactoryContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice.schema
Provides methods that are useful when setting up a UserServiceRecordFormFactory in the context of a data model.
UserServiceRequest - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Defines an interface to provide information about a request for a user service.
UserServiceResourceLocator - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface defines methods to build URLs that are useful for a user service.
UserServiceRootTabbedPane - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
UserServiceSetupDisplayContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when setting up a user service display.
UserServiceSetupObjectContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when defining objects managed by the user service.
UserServiceTab - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
A tab in a tabbed pane.
UserServiceTabbedPane - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This layout divides the pane into a set of tabs.
UserServiceTransaction - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface offers the possibility to mix in a single transaction and in any specified order: Record creations, Record or dataset updates, Custom procedure executions.
UserServiceTransaction.DeletedObjectOutcome - Enum in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
Enumeration for specifying the outcome of a transaction when the underlying data, of the object being updated, was deleted by another thread.
UserServiceTransactionManager - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This class provides methods to execute transactions from a user service.
UserServiceValidateContext<S extends EntitySelection> - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when performing custom validation.
UserServiceWriter - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.userservice
This interface provides methods for rendering a user service content.
UserTask - Class in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
If a user task requires custom behavior that cannot be specified declaratively in the workflow model, this abstract class must be extended.
UserTask() - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.workflow.UserTask
UserTask.CompletionStrategy - Class in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Defines the different strategies for work items completion.
UserTask.UserTaskMode - Enum in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Represents the user task mode.
UserTask.WorkItem - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Defines the resulting state of a work item.
UserTask.WorkItem.State - Class in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
UserTaskBeforeWorkItemCompletionContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Dedicated context to perform checks when the user clicks the 'accept' or the 'reject' button on an interaction.
UserTaskCreationContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
This interface is used as the context for work items creation.
UserTaskResult - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
Represents a user task result.
UserTaskUsersForAllocationCollectorContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
This interface is used as the context for UserTask.getUsersForAllocation(UserTaskUsersForAllocationCollectorContext) to get the users list for the allocation or reallocation of a work item.
UserTaskWorkItemCompletionContext - Interface in com.orchestranetworks.workflow
This interface is used as the context for work item completion.
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