Class ModulesRegister


public class ModulesRegister extends Object
This class has been replaced by ModuleRegistrationServlet.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ModulesRegister

      public ModulesRegister()
  • Method Details

    • registerDirectoryIfModule

      public static boolean registerDirectoryIfModule(File aModuleDirectory) throws ModuleDefinitionException
      Registers a new module whose root is at the specified directory.

      A directory is identified as a module if, and only if, the file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' is defined under this directory.

      aModuleDirectory - the module directory to register
      true if registration has succeeded, false if registration has failed because a module with same name has been already registered.
      ModuleDefinitionException - if file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' is defined but it cannot be read properly (this event is also added as an error to 'kernel' logs).
    • registerDirectory

      public static boolean registerDirectory(File aModuleDirectory) throws ModuleDefinitionException
      Registers a new module whose root is at the specified directory.

      Requires the file /WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml to be defined under this directory.

      aModuleDirectory - the module directory to register
      true if registration has succeeded. Returns false if registration has failed because a module with same name has been already registered.
      ModuleDefinitionException - if file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' is not defined or if it cannot be read properly (this event is also added as an error to 'kernel' logs).
    • getDependentModuleNames

      @Deprecated public static List<com.onwbp.base.schema.definition.TNode> getDependentModuleNames(ServletContext aServletContext) throws ModuleDefinitionException
      Since 5.7.0, this method returns an empty list.
    • registerWebApp

      @Deprecated public static boolean registerWebApp(Servlet aServlet, ServletConfig aServletConfig) throws ModuleDefinitionException
      Since 5.9.0, this method is replaced by ModuleRegistrationListener.
      Registers a new module based on the specified servlet's web application.

      This method must be called by the method Servlet.init().

      The file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' in the corresponding web application defines the module name and other basic module features.

      If the web application defines some specific module classes (like ServiceInstaller), the Servlet provided must have been loaded by the web application itself (that is , it must be in '/WEB-INF/classes/' or in '/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar').

      aServlet - the Java Servlet API
      aServletConfig - the servlet's configuration and initialization parameters
      true as registration has succeeded.
      ModuleDefinitionException - if file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' is not defined by the web application, or if it cannot be read properly (this event is also added as an error to 'kernel' logs).
      See Also:
    • unregisterWebApp

      @Deprecated public static void unregisterWebApp(Servlet aServlet, ServletConfig aServletConfig)
      Since 5.9.0, this method is replaced by ModuleRegistrationListener.
      Unregisters a module that has been registered by the registerWebApp().

      This method must be called by the method Servlet.destroy().

      aServlet - the Java Servlet API
      aServletConfig - the servlet's configuration and initialization parameters
      ModuleDefinitionException - if file '/WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml' is not defined by the web application, or if it cannot be read properly (this event is also added as an error to 'kernel' logs).
      See Also: