Class ModuleRegistrationListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModuleRegistration, ServletContextListener, EventListener

public abstract class ModuleRegistrationListener extends Object implements ServletContextListener, ModuleRegistration
Ensures the EBX® module registration from a servlet context listener.

This abstract class implements ServletContextListener, then the implementation class must be annotated with WebListener in order to receive the ModuleRegistration's handle methods.

If further initialization or termination is required, see ModuleRegistration for more information.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handleContextInitialized

      public void handleContextInitialized(ModuleInitializedContext aContext)
      Handles the registration of dynamic resources and performs module-specific initializations.

      It is invoked once the EBX® module has been registered, before the repository has been started.

      This method can be overridden.

      Default implementation does nothing.

      aContext - the module's initialized context generated after the module's registration.
    • contextInitialized

      public final void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent anEvent) throws ModuleDefinitionException
      Receives a notification that the web application servlet context event is about to be initialized.

      This 'final' implementation registers the EBX® module to the modules registry.

      Specified by:
      contextInitialized in interface ServletContextListener
      anEvent - event class for notifications about changes to the servlet context of a web application
      ModuleDefinitionException - if the module cannot be registered properly
    • contextDestroyed

      public final void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent anEvent)
      Receives a notification that the web application servlet context event is about to be destroyed.

      This 'final' implementation:

      1. invokes the method ModuleRegistration.destroyBeforeUnregisterModule()
      2. unregisters the EBX® module from the modules registry.
      Specified by:
      contextDestroyed in interface ServletContextListener