Class D3ReceiveBroadcastTrigger


public abstract class D3ReceiveBroadcastTrigger extends Object
Specifies methods that are automatically invoked when receiving broadcast from the D3 primary node.

Trigger definition

This belongs to the D3 replica delivery dataspace. Therefore to define it, using EBX® manager:
  • go to the administration item '[D3] Replica Configuration', then 'Delivery dataspaces' table,
  • select the concerned delivery dataspace record,
  • write the full class name in broadcast trigger field.
This class must not be in an EBX® module and must be accessible from the class-loader of ebx.jar. On submit, if the class is not found or does not extend D3ReceiveBroadcastTrigger, a validation error is displayed.

Life cycle

  1. The trigger is instantiated after received the broadcast content from the primary node.
  2. The method handleBeforeBroadcast(D3ReceiveBroadcastBeforeContext) is invoked in order to perform custom operations.
  3. If no exception occurs, the broadcast content is applied in the delivery dataspace, then an acknowledgment is sent to the primary node.
  4. If an exception occurs on trigger invocation, the archive importation is aborted and a failure acknowledgment is sent to the primary node.
  5. When the transaction ends, the method handleAfterBroadcast(D3ReceiveBroadcastAfterContext) is invoked to perform custom operations.


The implementation of trigger methods does not take part in the transaction.

  • Constructor Details

    • D3ReceiveBroadcastTrigger

      public D3ReceiveBroadcastTrigger()
  • Method Details

    • handleBeforeBroadcast

      public void handleBeforeBroadcast(D3ReceiveBroadcastBeforeContext aContext) throws OperationException
      This method is called before applying the broadcast content in the replica node.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      OperationException - to be thrown when an unexpected exception occurs. As a consequence, a failure acknowledgment is sent to the primary node and the exception is logged.
    • handleAfterBroadcast

      public void handleAfterBroadcast(D3ReceiveBroadcastAfterContext aContext) throws OperationException
      This method is called after the transaction whatever the status.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      OperationException - to be thrown when an unexpected exception occurs. As a consequence, the exception is logged.