Interface HierarchyNode

public interface HierarchyNode
Represents a node in a hierarchy. A hierarchy node is either a record, an enumeration value, a technical node (root or a parent for orphans).
  • Method Details

    • getParentHierarchyNode

      HierarchyNode getParentHierarchyNode()
      Returns this node's parent node in the hierarchy.
    • getOccurrence

      Adaptation getOccurrence()
      Returns the current record being displayed.

      Warning: if this node is an enumeration node, a root or an orphan's parent, this method returns null.

      See Also:
    • getJoinOccurrence

      Adaptation getJoinOccurrence()
      Returns the association record that links the current node with its parent.

      Warning: if this node is an enumeration node, a root or an orphan's parent, or if there is no join dependency between the node and its parent, this method returns null.

      See Also:
    • getEnumerationValue

      Object getEnumerationValue()
      Returns the current enumeration value if isEnumerationNode() is true; otherwise, returns null.
      See Also:
    • isEnumerationNode

      boolean isEnumerationNode()
      Returns true if the current node is an enumeration node. An enumeration corresponds to a xs:enumeration element in the data model.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

      See Also:
    • isOccurrenceNode

      boolean isOccurrenceNode()
      Returns true if the current node is a table record node.

      In this case, the method getEnumerationValue() returns null.

      See Also:
    • isOrphansParent

      boolean isOrphansParent()
      Returns true if the current node is the parent of an orphan.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

    • isRoot

      boolean isRoot()
      Returns true if the current node is the root of the hierarchy.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

    • isTarget

      boolean isTarget()
      Returns true if the current record is a record in the target table.

      The target table is the table from which the hierarchy was built.

    • isTerminal

      boolean isTerminal()
      Returns true if the current node has no children in the hierarchy.