Interface ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup

public interface ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup
Context for the registration of a module, invoked at the initialization of the EBX® repository.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getModuleName

      String getModuleName()
      Returns the current module name.
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Returns the current repository.
    • createSystemUserSession

      Session createSystemUserSession(String aTrackingInformationComplementOrNull)
      Creates a session executing as the "system user".

      This means that this session will have all privileges.

      aTrackingInformationComplementOrNull - the tracking information complement is added to a specific tracking information.
    • getLoggingCategory

      LoggingCategory getLoggingCategory()
      Returns the logging category associated with the current module.

      Returned logger is always initialized, so it can be stored for further reuse.

    • addPackagedJavaScriptResource

      void addPackagedJavaScriptResource(String aResourceName)
      Registers a JavaScript resource packaged in the current module to be included in every page.

      This resource must be located in the module, at www/common/jscripts/{aResourceName} (or www/{locale}/jscripts/{aResourceName} if the resource has to be localized).

      If the JavaScript to be used is specific to some components, it is recommended to use the method UIDependencyRegisterer.addJavaScriptDependency(String) instead.

      See Also:
    • addExternalJavaScriptResource

      void addExternalJavaScriptResource(String anExternalResourceURL)
      Registers a JavaScript resource external to the current module to be included in every page.

      If several modules include the same external resource, it will be added only once.

      If the JavaScript to be used is specific to some components, it is recommended to use the method UIDependencyRegisterer.addJavaScriptDependency(String) instead.

    • addPackagedStyleSheetResource

      void addPackagedStyleSheetResource(String aResourceName)
      Registers a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) resource packaged in the current module to be included in every page.

      This resource must be located in the module, at www/common/stylesheets/{aResourceName} (or www/{locale}/stylesheets/{aResourceName} if the resource has to be localized).

      See Also:
    • addExternalStyleSheetResource

      void addExternalStyleSheetResource(String anExternalResourceURL)
      Registers a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) resource external to the current module to be included in every page.

      If several modules include the same external resource, it will be added only once.