Interface ModuleRegistration

All Known Implementing Classes:
ModuleRegistrationListener, ModuleRegistrationServlet

public interface ModuleRegistration
Ensures the EBX® module registration.

If further setup of module-related resources is required, these methods should be overridden:

If further release of module-related resources is required, these methods should be overridden:

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handleServiceRegistration

      default void handleServiceRegistration(ModuleServiceRegistrationContext aContext)
      Override this method to register module-defined user services, service groups and user service extensions.

      This method is invoked after the EBX® module is registered, during the module compilation. Note that the EBX® repository is not yet initialized at the time this method is invoked. (That is, the method Repository.getDefault() cannot be called; otherwise, it throw. an exception.)

      Default implementation does nothing.

      aContext - the services registration context
    • handleRepositoryStartup

      default void handleRepositoryStartup(ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup aContext) throws OperationException
      Override this method to register module-specific resources and performs module-specific initializations that require the repository.

      It is invoked after the EBX® module is registered, after handleServiceRegistration(ModuleServiceRegistrationContext) and when the repository is started.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      aContext - the module registration context invoked at the initialization of the EBX® repository.
      OperationException - if an operation cannot complete successfully.
    • destroyBeforeUnregisterModule

      default void destroyBeforeUnregisterModule()
      Override this method to perform operations needed, when the current web application is being taken out of service.

      Called by one of these methods:

      Default implementation does nothing.

    • handleRepositoryShutdown

      default void handleRepositoryShutdown()
      Override this method to release module-specific resources when the repository is shut down.

      Default implementation does nothing.

    • handleSearchRegistration

      default void handleSearchRegistration(ModuleSearchRegistrationContext aContext)
      Override this method to register module-defined search templates and custom lists of synonyms and stopwords.

      This method is invoked after the EBX® module is registered, during the module compilation. Note that the EBX® repository is not yet initialized at the time this method is invoked. (That is, the method Repository.getDefault() cannot be called; otherwise, it throws an exception.)

      The default implementation does nothing.
