Interface QueryBuilder

public interface QueryBuilder
A builder for query objects, capable of creating queries which reference tables from multiple datasets.

The same builder can be used to create multiple queries.


The following query involves a single dataset:

        Query<Tuple> query = dataset.createQuery("SELECT * FROM customer");

The following query involves a join between two datasets, where dataset0 is the default dataset and dataset1 is named s1:

        QueryBuilder builder = dataset0.createQueryBuilder().addDataset("s1", dataset1);
        Query<Tuple> query = builder
                .build("SELECT t1.c_custkey, t2.o_orderkey " +
                        "FROM customer t1 " +
                        "INNER JOIN s1.orders t2 " +
                        "  ON t1.c_custkey=t2.o_custkey.c_custkey ");

The default dataset dataset0 will have the default name _public.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addDataset(String aName, Adaptation aDataset)
    Adds the specified dataset using the provided name.
    build(String aSql)
    Creates a query from the specified SQL string, whose result will return Tuple objects.
    <T> Query<T>
    build(String aSql, Class<T> aClass)
    Creates a query from the specified SQL string, whose result will return objects of the specified type.
  • Method Details

    • addDataset

      QueryBuilder addDataset(String aName, Adaptation aDataset)
      Adds the specified dataset using the provided name. If this builder previously contained a dataset with the same name, the old value is replaced.
      aName - the name under which the dataset is registered.
      aDataset - the dataset to be registered.
      the same builder object, with the result of this method applied. to it.
      IllegalArgumentException - if there are problems with the dataset, and it cannot be used.
    • build

      Query<Tuple> build(String aSql)
      Creates a query from the specified SQL string, whose result will return Tuple objects.

      Here is an example of a query returning Tuples with several elements:

       Query<Tuple> query ="SELECT id, name, dob FROM customer");
       try (QueryResult<Tuple> result = query.getResult())
              for (Tuple t : result)
                      Integer id = t.get(0, Integer.class);
                      String name = t.get(1, String.class);
                      Date dob = t.get(2, Date.class);

      Here is an example of a query returning Tuples with one element (see build(String, Class) for an alternative without Tuple):

       Query<Tuple> query ="SELECT name FROM customer");
       try (QueryResult<Tuple> result = query.getResult())
              for (Tuple t : result)
                      String name = t.get(0, String.class);
      aSql - the SQL string that will be used to create the query object.
      a structurally valid query object which can be executed.
      QueryParseException - if the query string is not valid; for example, it contains syntax errors, it references missing tables, missing columns, etc.
    • build

      <T> Query<T> build(String aSql, Class<T> aClass)
      Creates a query from the specified SQL string, whose result will return objects of the specified type. See SQL documentation to have more information about the mapping between SQL and Java types.

      Here is an example of a query returning Strings (see build(String) for an alternative with Tuple):

       Query<String> query ="SELECT name FROM customer", String.class);
       try (QueryResult<String> result = query.getResult())
              for (String name : result)

      A typical example of the usage of this method is a COUNT query, which returns one (and only one) Long result:

       Query<Long> query ="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer", Long.class);
       try (QueryResult<Long> result = query.getResult())
              Long count = result.iterator().next();
      aSql - the SQL string that will be used to create the query object.
      aClass - the class representing the row type of the query result; either Tuple, or in the case of a 1-element row, the mapped Java type of this element.
      a structurally valid query object which can be executed.
      QueryParseException - if the SQL query is not valid; for example, it contains syntax errors, it references missing tables, missing columns, etc.