Interface SessionContext

public interface SessionContext
This interface provides EBX® information for the current REST request. An instance of this class should be injected using the Context annotation as in the following example:
      public final class MyService {
      private SessionContext sessionContext;

      @ResourceDescription("My service")
      public Perspective getData() {
          Session session = sessionContext.getSession();
  • Method Details

    • getClientDevice

      String getClientDevice()
      Returns the client device type.

      The device type is either calculated or explicitly set by the client. The device can be set by caller using query parameter device. Currently valid values for this parameter are restricted to "desktop" (for any client that is not EBX® GO) and "go" (if client is EBX® GO).

      the device type. Never null. Default is desktop.
    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale()
      Returns the preferred EBX® built-in locale according to the current request. The current request locales are extracted from HttpHeaders.getAcceptableLanguages().
      the locale. Is never null and is always a locale from getLocales() method.
    • getLocales

      List<Locale> getLocales()
      Returns all EBX® built-in locales. First item in the list is the default locale.

      The returned collection is unmodifiable.

    • getProcedureUtility

      ProcedureUtility getProcedureUtility()
      Returns a configured procedure utility instance.
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Returns the current EBX® repository.
    • getSession

      Session getSession() throws NotAuthorizedException
      Returns the EBX® session for the current authenticated user.
      NotAuthorizedException - if the user is not authenticated (this may happen only if AnonymousAccessEnabled has been set).
    • getSessionOrNull

      Session getSessionOrNull()
      Returns the EBX® session for the current authenticated user or null if the user is not authenticated. May return false only if the annotation AnonymousAccessEnabled has been set.
      the authenticated Session or null if the user is not authenticated.
    • getURIInfoUtility

      URIInfoUtility getURIInfoUtility()
      Returns a configured URI information utility instance.
    • isAuthenticated

      boolean isAuthenticated()
      Returns true if and only if the current user is authenticated. May return false only if the annotation AnonymousAccessEnabled has been set.
    • isSecure

      boolean isSecure()
      Returns true if the request was made using a secure channel (such as HTTPS), false otherwise.