Interface URIInfoUtility

public interface URIInfoUtility
This class provides useful methods to generate URI specific to EBX®.

These methods automatically take into account EBX® server's configuration and current context such as REST proxy configuration and REST Forward modes.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createBuilderForBuiltin

      <T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> T createBuilderForBuiltin(CategoryURIBuilder<T> aCategoryURIBuilder) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a URI builder useful for generating URIs for the EBX® built-in REST services.

      The URI builder will not be initialized with the current HTTP request's query parameters.

      See Also:
    • createBuilderForBuiltin

      <T extends URIBuilderForBuiltin<T>> T createBuilderForBuiltin(CategoryURIBuilder<T> aCategoryURIBuilder, boolean isRequestQueryParamsPropagated) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a URI builder useful for generating URIs for the EBX® built-in REST services.

      The builder is initialized with the built-in data services base URI. The data services base URI is automatically initialized by the REST Toolkit depending on the current request.

      aCategoryURIBuilder - the service category URI builder which is declared as a constant in CategoryURIBuilder. It specifies for which REST category the URI builder will be used.
      isRequestQueryParamsPropagated - true if the URI builder must be initialized with the current HTTP request's query parameters, false otherwise.
      the appropriate URI builder for the provided aCategoryURIBuilder.
      IllegalArgumentException - if aCategoryURIBuilder is null
      See Also:
    • createBuilderForResource

      URIBuilderForResource createBuilderForResource() throws ModuleNotFoundException
      Creates a URI builder for generating URIs or URLs for resources packaged with the current module.
      See Also:
    • createBuilderForResource

      URIBuilderForResource createBuilderForResource(String aModuleName) throws ModuleNotFoundException
      Creates a URI builder for generating URIs or URLs for resources packaged with a specified module.
      aModuleName - the specified module name, if null or empty, the current module is used
      ModuleNotFoundException - the module is not registered
    • createBuilderForRESTApplication

      UriBuilder createBuilderForRESTApplication()
      Creates a URI builder for generating URIs or URLs for REST services associated to the current REST application.

      The base path is the one specified by the annotation ApplicationPath defined on the class extending RESTApplicationAbstract.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided.

      See Also:
    • createBuilderForServer

      UriBuilder createBuilderForServer()
      Creates a URI builder for generating URIs or URLs for resources hosted by the current server.

      The builder is initialized using the getBaseURIForServer() method.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided.

    • getBaseURIForBuiltin

      URI getBaseURIForBuiltin()
      Returns the EBX® built-in REST services base URI.
      See Also:
    • getBaseURIForRESTApplication

      URI getBaseURIForRESTApplication()
      Returns the REST application base URI for the current application.
      See Also:
    • getBaseURIForServer

      URI getBaseURIForServer()
      Returns the server base URI.
      See Also: