Interface AuthorizationRule

public interface AuthorizationRule
A rule restricting access to the requested REST resource.

REST resources access has been divided into two steps:

  • the authentication, allowing to know from whom the request came.
  • the authorization, allowing to know if the user has enough rights to perform this request.

AuthorizationRules are considered only during the second step to check the user's rights. Warning: these authorization rules must only cover the REST resources access scope and must not replace EBX®'s permissions. Since authorization rules are evaluated for every REST request, overly complex checks can cause performance issues.

An implementation of AuthorizationRule may use any of the JAX-RS and toolkit injectable contexts.

  • Method Details

    • check

      Checks if the user has the proper rights to perform the request.
      aContext - an authorization context holding useful information for check processing
      an AuthorizationOutcome instance specifying the authorization state and information that may be returned to the client.