Class AuthorizationOutcome


public final class AuthorizationOutcome extends Object
Defines the authorization for whether or not a user can access a REST resource.

The possible states are:

  • authorized – the user has access to the REST resource.
  • forbidden – the user does not have access to the REST resource. An access denied error response will be returned with, optionally, a message.
  • Method Details

    • getAuthorized

      public static AuthorizationOutcome getAuthorized()
      Factory method that specifies that a user is authorized to access the REST resource.

      No specific authorization message is returned to the client.

    • getForbidden

      public static AuthorizationOutcome getForbidden()
      Factory method that specifies that a user is forbidden to access the REST resource.

      No specific message is returned to the client.

    • createForbidden

      public static AuthorizationOutcome createForbidden(UserMessage anUserMessage)
      Creates a "forbidden" outcome with a localized message.
      anUserMessage - specifies the localized message that will be returned to the client
      See Also:
    • createForbidden

      public static AuthorizationOutcome createForbidden(String aMessage)
      Creates a "forbidden" outcome with a message.
      aMessage - specifies the message that will be returned to the client
      See Also:
    • isAuthorized

      public boolean isAuthorized()
      Defines if the REST resource is accessible according to the evaluated AuthorizationRule.
      true if the REST resource is considered accessible, false otherwise
    • isForbidden

      public boolean isForbidden()
      Defines if the REST resource is not accessible according to the evaluated AuthorizationRule.
      true if the REST resource is considered not accessible, false otherwise
    • getMessage

      public UserMessage getMessage()
      Returns a UserMessage that must be added to the HTTP response in case of forbidden state.
      the message.