Interface ConstraintContextOnTable

All Superinterfaces:
DependenciesDefinitionContext, SchemaNodeContext

public interface ConstraintContextOnTable extends DependenciesDefinitionContext
Provides methods for setting up a constraint on a table in the context of its data model.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setBlocksCommitToNever

      void setBlocksCommitToNever()
      Specifies that the current constraint on table must never block operations in the repository when it adds validation errors.

      If this constraint is checkable at user inputs then in the context of the user interface this constraint will not be checked at user inputs when submitting a form. This allows to relax this constraint on table when erroneous values may be allowed when submitting a form through the user interface. If this constraint on table is checkable at user inputs it will be still checked after submitting a form if the form is valid and modified values have been comitted.

      See Also: