Interface SchemaNodeContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConstraintContext, ConstraintContextOnTable, DatasetSetFilterSetupContext, DataspaceSetFilterSetupContext, DependenciesDefinitionContext, SchemaDocumentationSetupContext, TableRefDisplayContext, TableRefFilterContext, TriggerSetupContext, UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactoryContext, UserServiceRecordFormFactoryContext, ValueFunctionContext, WidgetFactorySetupContext

public interface SchemaNodeContext
This interface defines common services for performing a validation task on an entity associated with a data model node.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addError(String aMessage)
    Adds the specified error message.
    addError(String aMessage, Exception ex)
    Adds the specified error message and exception.
    addInfo(String aMessage)
    Adds the specified information message.
    Attaches the specified message to the current component.
    addWarning(String aMessage)
    Adds the specified warning message.
    Returns the node on which the component is attached.
  • Method Details

    • addMessage

      void addMessage(UserMessage aMessage)
      Attaches the specified message to the current component. When a message must be internationalized, this method is used instead of addError(String), addWarning(String), or addInfo(String).

      Specifically, this method creates a new validation item and its subject is the entity referred to by this context. When displaying the message, the implementation adds information about this subject. As a result, it is not necessary to repeat this contextual information in the message argument.

    • addError

      void addError(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified error message.
      See Also:
    • addError

      void addError(String aMessage, Exception ex)
      Adds the specified error message and exception.
      See Also:
    • addInfo

      void addInfo(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified information message.
      See Also:
    • addWarning

      void addWarning(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified warning message.
      See Also:
    • getSchemaNode

      SchemaNode getSchemaNode()
      Returns the node on which the component is attached.