Class Path

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class Path extends Object implements Comparable<Path>
A path is used for locating a node in a tree structure. It consists of a sequence of steps.

In string notation, the steps are separated by "/" slashes. The syntax supported is in fact a small subset of XPath:

  • A path that begins with "/" is an absolute location, otherwise, it is a relative location.
  • Special steps are "." (the self node) and ".." (the parent node).


  • The path /domain/customer/lastName is an absolute location.
  • The path ../customer/lastName is a relative location that starts at the parent of the current node.
  • The paths ./customer/lastName and customer/lastName are both relative locations that start at the current (self) node and are equivalent.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Path
    Corresponds to the path "..".
    static final Path
    Corresponds to the path "/".
    static final Path
    Corresponds to the path ".".
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract Path
    add(Path aPath)
    Concatenates this path instance with the path specified.
    abstract Path
    add(Step aStep)
    abstract Path
    add(String aKey)
    abstract Path
    addIndex(int index)
    Returns a path such that the last step is indexed with the specified number.
    abstract Path
    addIndexedPath(Path aPath, int index)
    Concatenates this path instance with the specified indexed path.
    abstract Path
    addIndexedStep(Step aStep, int index)
    Concatenates this path instance with the specified indexed step.
    abstract String
    Returns the canonical string representation of this instance.
    abstract Step
    Returns the first step of this path, null for the root path.
    abstract Step
    Returns the last step of this path, null for the root path.
    abstract Path
    Returns this path without its last step.
    abstract int
    Returns the number of steps in this path.
    abstract Step
    getStep(int i)
    Returns the step at the specified position in this path.
    abstract Step[]
    Returns the array of steps for this path.
    abstract Path
    getSubPath(int beginIndex)
    Returns a new path that is a subpath of this path.
    abstract Path
    getSubPath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
    Returns a new path that is a subpath of this path.
    final boolean
    Returns true if this Path identifies a node in an aggregated list.
    abstract boolean
    Returns true if this path begins with '.' (self) or '..' (parent).
    abstract boolean
    Returns true if this is the root path (whose canonical notation is "/").
    abstract boolean
    Returns true if this is the self path (whose canonical notation is ".").
    static Path
    parse(String pathString)
    Returns the path based on the string specified.
    abstract Path
    Resolves the path specified against this instance by considering that this instance is the "current location".
    Tests whether this path starts with the specified prefix.
    abstract boolean
    startsWith(Path aPath, int offset)
    Tests whether this path starts with the specified prefix beginning at specified index.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

  • Field Details

    • ROOT

      public static final Path ROOT
      Corresponds to the path "/".
    • SELF

      public static final Path SELF
      Corresponds to the path ".".
    • PARENT

      public static final Path PARENT
      Corresponds to the path "..".
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public static Path parse(String pathString)
      Returns the path based on the string specified.

      This method also performs path simplification whenever possible, if the path includes "." or "..".

    • add

      public abstract Path add(String aKey)
      See Also:
    • add

      public abstract Path add(Path aPath)
      Concatenates this path instance with the path specified. This method also performs path simplification if the specified path begins with "." or "..".


      this aPath result
      /a/b/c /d/e /a/b/c/d/e
      /a/b/c . /a/b/c
      /a/b/c ./d/e /a/b/c/d/e
      /a/b/c ../d/e /a/b/d/e
      /a/b/c .. /a/b
      /a/b/c ../.. /a
      /a/b/c ../../.. /
      /a/b/c ../../../.. ..
      /a/b/c ../../../../d/e ../d/e
      /a/b/c ../../.. /
      . /a/b/c ./a/b/c
      . .. ..
      See Also:
    • add

      public abstract Path add(Step aStep)
      See Also:
    • addIndex

      public abstract Path addIndex(int index)

      Returns a path such that the last step is indexed with the specified number.

      For example, if this instance is /customer/address and it receives addIndex(2), then the resulting path is /customer/address[2].

      This notation is only allowed on aggregated lists, not on tables. Contrary to the XPath specification, the index starts at 0 instead of 1.

      IllegalStateException - if the last step of this path is already indexed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if index is negative.
      See Also:
    • addIndexedStep

      public abstract Path addIndexedStep(Step aStep, int index)
      Concatenates this path instance with the specified indexed step.

      For example, if this instance is /customer and it receives addIndexedStep(Step('address'),2), then the resulting path is /customer/address[2].

      This notation is only allowed on aggregated lists, not on tables. Contrary to the XPath specification, index starts at 0 instead of 1.

      This method is equivalent to add(aStep).addIndex(index).

      @throws IllegalStateException if aStep is already indexed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if index is negative.
      See Also:
    • addIndexedPath

      public abstract Path addIndexedPath(Path aPath, int index)

      Concatenates this path instance with the specified indexed path.

      For example, if this instance is /item and it receives addIndexedPath(Path('/customer/address'),2), then the resulting path is /item/customer/address[2].

      This notation is only allowed on aggregated lists, not on tables. Contrary to the XPath specification, index starts at 0 instead of 1.

      This method is equivalent to add(aPath).addIndex(index).

      @throws IllegalStateException if the last step of aPath is already indexed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if index is negative.
      See Also:
    • getFirstStep

      public abstract Step getFirstStep()
      Returns the first step of this path, null for the root path.
    • resolveWith

      public abstract Path resolveWith(Path aPath)
      Resolves the path specified against this instance by considering that this instance is the "current location".
      if aPath is absolute then it returns aPath (no relative resolution); if aPath is relative then it returns this.add(aPath)
      See Also:
    • getStep

      public abstract Step getStep(int i)
      Returns the step at the specified position in this path.
    • getSteps

      public abstract Step[] getSteps()
      Returns the array of steps for this path.
    • getLastStep

      public abstract Step getLastStep()
      Returns the last step of this path, null for the root path.
    • getPathWithoutLastStep

      public abstract Path getPathWithoutLastStep()
      Returns this path without its last step.

      Examples and special cases:

      • for /a/b/c, it returns /a/b
      • for /, it returns null
      • for ., it returns /
      • for .., it returns /
    • getSubPath

      public abstract Path getSubPath(int beginIndex)
      Returns a new path that is a subpath of this path. The subpath begins at the specified key and continues to the end of this path.
    • getSubPath

      public abstract Path getSubPath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
      Returns a new path that is a subpath of this path. The subpath begins at the specified beginIndex key and continues to the key at index endIndex - 1. Thus, the size of the subpath is endIndex - beginIndex.
    • startsWith

      public boolean startsWith(Path aPath)
      Tests whether this path starts with the specified prefix.
    • startsWith

      public abstract boolean startsWith(Path aPath, int offset)
      Tests whether this path starts with the specified prefix beginning at specified index.
    • getSize

      public abstract int getSize()
      Returns the number of steps in this path.

      A relative notation with SELF always counts SELF as the first step. For example, for the notation a/b/c, this method returns '4' since the path is interpreted as ./a/b/c.

    • isIndexed

      public final boolean isIndexed()
      Returns true if this Path identifies a node in an aggregated list. For example, the path element/item[0]/label or element/item/label[0] identifies a node under an aggregated list.

      See Also:
    • isRelative

      public abstract boolean isRelative()
      Returns true if this path begins with '.' (self) or '..' (parent).
    • isRoot

      public abstract boolean isRoot()
      Returns true if this is the root path (whose canonical notation is "/").
    • isSelf

      public abstract boolean isSelf()
      Returns true if this is the self path (whose canonical notation is ".").
    • format

      public abstract String format()
      Returns the canonical string representation of this instance.

      Examples: /a/b/c is an absolute path notation, ./a/b/c is the notation for a relative path starting with the self node, ../a/b/c is the notation for a relative path starting with the parent node.

      See Also: