Interface BeanDefinition

public interface BeanDefinition
This interface is used to define the schema associated with a non-persistent bean object (as opposed to a record or a dataset).

The root element for the schema of a dynamic bean is defined internally by EBX®. Therefore, all paths used by means of this class are relative to this root element and must be prefixed by './'.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final SchemaTypeName OSD_FILE_UPLOAD
      Special type used to create a file upload element.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createComplexElement

      BeanElement createComplexElement(Path aPath)
      Creates a complex type element (a group).
      aPath - the path of the element relative to the root one.
      the element.
    • createComplexElement

      BeanElement createComplexElement(Path aPath, Class<?> aClassToInstantiate)
      Creates a complex type element (a group), mapped to a JavaBean.
      aPath - the path of the element relative to the root one.
      aClassToInstantiate - the class of the JavaBean to instantiate and map to the element.
      the element.
    • createElement

      BeanElement createElement(Path aPath, SchemaTypeName aTypeName)
      Creates a simple type element (a field).

      The element type can be any type supported by EBX® except osd:resource, osd:UDA and osd:UDACatalog.

      aPath - the path of the element relative to the root one.
      aTypeName - the type of the element.
      the element.