Interface SchemaFacetBoundary

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
SchemaFacetBoundaryMaxExclusive, SchemaFacetBoundaryMaxInclusive, SchemaFacetBoundaryMinExclusive, SchemaFacetBoundaryMinInclusive

public interface SchemaFacetBoundary extends SchemaFacet
This interface represents the maxExclusive, maxInclusive, minExclusive, and minInclusive facets associated with a node. This facet can be:
  • Static, using the XML Schema standard facets.
  • Dynamic, if the value of this facet depends on the value of an other node in the data model.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getBound

      Object getBound()
      Returns the value of this facet, if this facet is static. Returns null if this facet is dynamic.
    • getPath

      Path getPath()
      Returns the path defined in this constraint, if this facet is dynamic. Returns null if this facet is static.