Interface SchemaFacetOResource

public interface SchemaFacetOResource
This interface represents the resource constraint associated with a node (osd:FacetOResource).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the name of the EBX® module that contains the resource.
    Returns the local directory containing the resource, directly under the directory named with the value of resourceType.
    Returns the resource type, which is one of the following values: ext-images, ext-jscripts, ext-stylesheets, ext-html.
  • Method Details

    • getModuleName

      String getModuleName()
      Returns the name of the EBX® module that contains the resource. If the module itself contains the resource, the alias must be preceded by "wbp" (stands for Web Business Process).
    • getResourceType

      String getResourceType()
      Returns the resource type, which is one of the following values: ext-images, ext-jscripts, ext-stylesheets, ext-html.
    • getRelativePath

      String getRelativePath()
      Returns the local directory containing the resource, directly under the directory named with the value of resourceType. For example, for a resource located at www/common/images/frontpages/, the directory www/ is at the same level as the WEB-INF/ directory.