Interface SchemaNode

public interface SchemaNode
Represents an element declaration in the resolved data model.
  • Method Details

    • getMinOccurs

      int getMinOccurs()
      Returns the value of xs:minOccurs.
    • getMaxOccurs

      int getMaxOccurs()
      Returns the value of xs:maxOccurs.
    • isCheckNullInput

      boolean isCheckNullInput()
      Returns the value of the propertyosd:checkNullInput.
    • getPathInAdaptation

      Path getPathInAdaptation()
      Returns the local absolute path.

      In a table record, the local absolute path is the path that begins at the table root node (non-inclusive); otherwise, it is the path that starts at the dataset root node (inclusive). In the latter case, the path is the same as the one returned by getPathInSchema().

      See Also:
    • getPathInSchema

      Path getPathInSchema()
      Returns the absolute path of this node in the data model.
      See Also:
    • isComplex

      boolean isComplex()
      Returns true if this node is a complex element declaration.
    • isValueEqual

      boolean isValueEqual(Object aFirstValue, Object aSecondValue)
      Returns true if the specified values are equal, according to the underlying XML Schema type.

      For example, if the data model type is xs:date, both specified values must instances of Date. Also, equality checking for xs:date does not take time into account, due to the Java equality checking for Date. In contrast, equality checking for the type xs:dateTime in the data model would compare time.

      ClassCastException - if a specified value is not an instance of the underlying type.
    • isValueLessOrEqualTo

      boolean isValueLessOrEqualTo(Object aFirstValue, Object aSecondValue)
      Returns true if first value is less than or equal to the second value, according to the underlying XML Schema type.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if underlying type does not support comparison.
      ClassCastException - if a specified value is not an instance of underlying type.
    • isValueStrictlyLessThan

      boolean isValueStrictlyLessThan(Object aFirstValue, Object aSecondValue)
      Returns true if the first value is strictly less than the second value, according to the underlying XML Schema type.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the underlying type does not support comparison.
      ClassCastException - if a specified value is not an instance of the underlying type.
    • isTerminalValue

      boolean isTerminalValue()
      Returns true if this node is terminal.

      A node is terminal when:

      • it is a field (a node of a simple type) that is not the descendant of a terminal complex (see isTerminalValueDescendant());
      • it is a group (a node of a complex type) that is not the descendant of a terminal complex, and the data model specifies any of the following:
        1. maxOccurs > 1 (either an aggregated list or a osd:table);
        2. a value function, osd:function (see Computed Values);
        3. an access property, osd:access (see Access Properties).

      Note: if inheritance is enabled, a terminal node value can be inherited.

      See Also:
    • isTerminalValueDescendant

      boolean isTerminalValueDescendant()
      Returns true if this node is the descendant of a terminal value node. This implies that the parent node is of a complex type and it is itself either terminal or a descendant of a terminal node.
      See Also:
    • isTerminalValueComputed

      boolean isTerminalValueComputed()
      Returns true if this node is a terminal node whose value is not directly stored in EBX® repository.

      This is the case for a node declaring an osd:function, osd:association and osd:table.

    • isAutoIncrement

      boolean isAutoIncrement()
      Returns true if this node defines an auto-increment.

      An auto-incremented node is specified in the data model using the the osd:autoIncrement element.

    • isSelectNode

      boolean isSelectNode()
      Returns true if this node is a selection link.

      A select node is specified in the data model using the osd:select element.

      See Also:
    • getSelectionLink

      SelectionLink getSelectionLink()
      Returns the information for a selection link. Returns null if the node has no selection link defined.
      See Also:
    • isAssociationNode

      boolean isAssociationNode()
      Returns true if this node is an association.

      An association node is specified in the data model using the osd:association element.

    • getAssociationLink

      AssociationLink getAssociationLink()
      Returns the information for an association. Returns null if the node is not an association.
      See Also:
    • isLinkedNode

      boolean isLinkedNode()
      Returns true if this node is a linked node.

      A linked node is specified in the data model using the osd:function linkedField="aPath" element.

      See Also:
    • getSchemaLinkedField

      SchemaLinkedField getSchemaLinkedField()
      Returns the information for a linked field.

      Returns null if this node is does not define the element osd:function linkedField="aPath".

      See Also:
    • getRelationship

      Returns the information for the relationship defined by this node. Returns null if the node has no relationship defined.
      See Also:
    • getRelationships

      SchemaNodeRelationships getRelationships(Adaptation aDataset, Session aSession)
      Returns the relationships defined by this node.

      This method is equivalent to:

      SchemaNode.getRelationships(Adaptation, Session, false);
      See Also:
    • getRelationships

      SchemaNodeRelationships getRelationships(Adaptation aDataset, Session aSession, boolean includeMetadata)
      Returns the relationships defined by this node.

      The relationships returned by this method are filtered according to the permissions defined for the end-user associated to the specified session and in the context of the given dataset that is an instance of the data model containing this node.

      * @param includeMetadata if true this method returns also the relationships of the metadata fields if this node is a table node.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified Adaptation is null.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified Adaptation is not a dataset.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified Adaptation has severe error.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified dataset is not an instance of the data model containing this node.
      IllegalArgumentException - is the specified Session is null.
      See Also:
    • getRelationships

      SchemaNodeRelationships getRelationships()
      Returns all the relationships defined by this node.

      The method getRelationships(Adaptation, Session) can be used if the relationships held by this node must be filtered according to the permissions defined for a specific end-user, in the context of a dataset which is an instance of the data model containing this node.

      See Also:
    • getBusinessObjectModel

      BusinessObjectModel getBusinessObjectModel(Adaptation aDataset, Session aSession)
      Returns the business object model associated to this node if it is a table node.

      Permissions are resolved using this method. As a consequence, this method returns null if the main table of the related business object model associated cannot be viewed by the end-user associated with the given session and in the context of the specified dataset. The dimensions of the business object model are filtered as well. That is, a dimension (including its child dimensions) are not visible if the related relationship cannot be viewed by the end-user associated with the given session and in the context of the specified dataset. See SchemaNodeRelationships.getExplicitRelationships() for more information about the resolution of the permissions.

      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified SchemaNode is not a table node.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified Adaptation is null.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified Adaptation is not a dataset.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified Adaptation has a severe error.
      IllegalStateException - if the specified dataset is not an instance of the data model containing this node.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified Session is null.
    • getBusinessObjectModel

      BusinessObjectModel getBusinessObjectModel()
      Returns the business object model associated to this table node.

      The method getBusinessObjectModel(Adaptation, Session) can be used if the business object model associated to this node must be filtered according to the permissions defined for a specific end-user, in the context of a dataset which is an instance of the data model containing this node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if the current node is not a table node.
      See Also:
    • getTableNode

      SchemaNode getTableNode()
      If this node is in a table record, returns the node of the containing table, which defines osd:table. Returns either the table node containing the osd:table declaration, or null if this node is not inside a table.
      See Also:
    • isTableNode

      boolean isTableNode()
      Returns true if this node is a table node.

      A table node is specified in the data model using the element osd:table (see Table definition).

      See Also:
    • getTablePrimaryKeyNodes

      SchemaNode[] getTablePrimaryKeyNodes()
      Returns the primary key that is defined in the data model if this node is a table node. Returns the nodes of the primary key that are defined in the element osd:table/primaryKeys (in their declared order), or null if this node is not a table node.
      See Also:
    • getTablePrimaryKeyValues

      Object[] getTablePrimaryKeyValues(String aTableRefValue) throws InvalidPrimaryKeyException, IllegalArgumentException
      If this node is a table node, decomposes the specified osd:tableRef value into the primary key field values in the referenced table.

      The following table gives some examples of decomposition:

      Key fields String representation (aTableRefValue) returns
      (xs:string) "abc" "abc"
      (xs:int) "123" [Integer(123)]
      (xs:int) "" throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      (xs:int) "aa" throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      (xs:int | xs:string) "123|abc" [Integer(123), "abc"]
      (xs:int | xs:string) "123|abc|abc" [Integer(123), "abc|abc"] (the second field is itself a foreign key, the second value can hence be itself decomposed)
      (xs:int | xs:string) "aa|aaa" (invalid integer field) throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      (xs:int | xs:string) "|aaa" throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      (xs:int | xs:string) "" (empty string) throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      (xs:int | xs:string) "aaa" Invalid, throws an InvalidPrimaryKeyException.
      aTableRefValue - a string value that conforms to the primary key syntax.
      an array in which each element is extracted from the specified value and corresponds to the field at the same position in the primary key field array.
      InvalidPrimaryKeyException - if the specified value does not have the expected primary key syntax, or if a field value is null.
      IllegalStateException - if this node is not a table node.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified value is null.
      See Also:
    • getTablePrimaryKeyValues

      Object[] getTablePrimaryKeyValues(PrimaryKey aPrimaryKey) throws InvalidPrimaryKeyException, IllegalArgumentException
      If this node is a table node, decomposes the specified primary key object into the primary key field values in the referenced table.

      This method is equivalent to:

      See Also:
    • getTableEntityName

      String getTableEntityName()
      Returns the entity name of this node if this node is a table node. Returns the entity name defined in the data model or a default one (the last step of the table's path is used as the default entity name), or null if this node is not a table node.
    • getTableOccurrenceRootNode

      SchemaNode getTableOccurrenceRootNode()
      If this node is a table node (see method isTableNode()), returns the root node of the record structure.

      This method is used for accessing the internal structure of a table.

      Since a table node is considered to be a terminal node, it does not provide direct access to its children. Instead, the child nodes can only be accessed through the root node of the record structure (the object that is returned by this method).

      the root node of the record structure, null if this node is not a table node
      See Also:
    • isTableOccurrenceNode

      boolean isTableOccurrenceNode()
      Returns true if this node is in a table record.
    • isHistoryDisabled

      boolean isHistoryDisabled()
      Specifies if the history is disabled for this node. Returns true if:
      • this node is a table node and the property historyProfile is not set in the data model;
      • the history is explicitly disabled on this node, in the data model;
      • this node is a computed terminal-value;
      • the type of this node is of type osd:password;
      • an ancestor of this node in the data model has its history disabled.
      See Also:
    • getAccessMode

      AccessPermission getAccessMode()
      Returns the static access mode of the current node. Access can be further restricted by specifying permissions.

      For example, a function is read-only.

      Note: If the node is neither terminal nor a terminal descendant, the returned mode is hidden. This does not imply that the node is not visible, but rather that it does not directly hold a value.

      See Also:
    • getCategory

      String getCategory()
      Returns the category that is defined in data model (attribute osd:category); returns null if no category is specified on the current node, nor on its ancestors.
    • getDefaultValue

      Object getDefaultValue()
      Returns the default value for the node that is defined in data model (attribute xs:default), or null if no value is specified.

      This default value is typed according to type of the current node. That is, the default value specified in the data model must comply with the type of the associated element.

      If the current node is an aggregated list (an element defining maxOccurs > 1) then the returned default value will be a new List instance containing a single occurrence of the default value defined in the data model.

    • getLabel

      String getLabel(Locale aLocale)
      Returns the localized label of this node.

      The label is computed as follows:

      1. If the data model defines a custom SchemaDocumentation, then the computed label is returned, if not, returns null;
      2. Otherwise, the label that is defined statically on the current node in the data model is returned;
      3. If no static label is defined, the name of this node is returned (the name is the last part of the node's path).
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      String getDescription(Locale aLocale)
      Returns the localized description of this node.

      The description is computed as follows:

      1. If the data model defines a SchemaDocumentation, then the description it computes is returned, if not, returns null;
      2. Otherwise, the description that is defined statically on the current node in the data model is returned.
      See Also:
    • getLabel

      String getLabel(Session aSession)
      Returns the label of this node for the specified session.

      The label is computed as follows:

      1. If the data model defines a SchemaDocumentation, then the label it computes is returned, if not, returns null;
      2. Otherwise, the label that is defined statically on the current node in the data model is returned;
      3. If no static label is defined, the name of this node is returned (the name is the last part of the node's path).
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      String getDescription(Session aSession)
      Returns the localized description of this node in the context of a user session.

      The description is computed as follows:

      1. If the data model defines a custom SchemaDocumentation, then the computed description is returned, if not, returns null;
      2. Otherwise, the description that is defined statically on the current node in the data model is returned.
      See Also:
    • getMandatoryUserMessage

      UserMessage getMandatoryUserMessage()
      Returns the mandatory error message (defined by the data model element osd:mandatoryErrorMessage).
    • getParent

      SchemaNode getParent()
      Returns the parent node of this node.

      This method returns the root node of the record structure if the current node is a direct child of a table node.

      See Also:
    • getNode

      SchemaNode getNode(Path aPath)
      Returns the node at the specified path, or null if no node exists at the specified path.

      If the path is relative, it is interpreted based on the location of this node. This method is equivalent to getNode(aPath, true, false).

      If the path begins with "//", this method returns the first node that matches what follows. This syntax is not as efficient as absolute or relative notations.

      See Also:
    • getNode

      SchemaNode getNode(Path aPath, boolean tolerantRead, boolean absolutePathBeginsAtRecordRoot) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the node at the specified path, or null if the node does not exist and isTolerantRead is true.

      aPath - if relative, it is interpreted based on the location of this node.
      tolerantRead - if true, returns null when no node exists at the specified location; otherwise it throws PathAccessException.
      absolutePathBeginsAtRecordRoot - if value is true, aPath is absolute, and this node is in a table, the root of the path is the table root node.
      PathAccessException - if no node exists at the specified path and tolerantRead is false.
    • getNodeChildren

      SchemaNode[] getNodeChildren()
      Returns the data model nodes defined directly under this node.

      This method is equivalent to:

    • getNodeChildren

      SchemaNode[] getNodeChildren(boolean includeMetadata)
      Returns the data model nodes defined directly under this node.

      This method returns an empty array if the underlying type is a simple type or if this is a table node (see isTableNode()). If this is a table node, the method getTableOccurrenceRootNode() must be used to get the structure of the table.

      Note: A node can have children and still be considered as "terminal" based on the definition given by the method isTerminalValue().

      includeMetadata - if true and if this node is a table root node, this methods includes the metadata nodes. Metadata nodes contains information related to a table record (e.g. its creator).
      See Also:
    • isAncestorMultiOccurrenced

      boolean isAncestorMultiOccurrenced()
      Returns true if an ancestor of this node is a list.
      See Also:
    • isAncestorOrSelfMultiOccurrenced

      boolean isAncestorOrSelfMultiOccurrenced()
      Returns true if this node or one of its ancestors is a list. Returns false if this node is a table node.
      See Also:
    • getSchemaLocation

      SchemaLocation getSchemaLocation()
      Returns the location of the data model that defines this node.
    • getSchemaDefaultLocale

      @Deprecated Locale getSchemaDefaultLocale()
      Since 5.9.0 it is not possible to define locales for a module anymore. Repository.getDefaultLocale() should be used instead.
      Returns the default locale of EBX®.
    • getSchemaLocales

      @Deprecated List<Locale> getSchemaLocales()
      Since 5.9.0 it is not possible to define locales for a module anymore. Repository.getLocales() should be used instead.
      Returns the locales that are supported by EBX®.
    • getXsTypeName

      SchemaTypeName getXsTypeName()
      Returns the type name of this node, or null if this node is associated with an anonymous type definition.
    • displayOccurrence

      String displayOccurrence(Object aValue, boolean useLabels, ValueContext aValueContext, Locale aLocale)
      Returns a user-friendly representation of the specified value.
      Displaying values
      A value can be displayed differently than its standard XML formatted value (see method formatToXsString) in order to be more relevant to the user:
      1. Number and date formats: If the element is a number (xs:int, xs:decimal, etc.), or a date (xs:date, xs:dateTime, xs:time), it is formatted according to the formatting policy associated with the specified locale.
      2. Value labeling: If useLabels is true and the element has a declaration that enables value labeling, as described in the table below.
      Data model definition Value label (if useLabels = true)
      xs:enumeration Label is either the value of the attribute osd:label or the content of the localized element xs:documentation, as specified in the data model.
      osd:tableRef For a foreign key constraint, the label is computed from the referenced record, if it exists, and its data model declaration. In order of preference:
      1. The elements osd:tableRef/display or osd:table/defaultLabel;
      2. If there is no such declaration, the label is the concatenation of the label of each primary key fields of the referenced record.
      osd:enumeration For a dynamic enumeration, the label comes from the target node, if it defines such labels.
      osd:constraintEnumeration For a programmatic enumeration constraint, the label is the string returned by the method ConstraintEnumeration.displayOccurrence. As a consequence, it may be localized.
      osd:constraintNomenclature (deprecated) For a programmatic nomenclature constraint, the label is the string returned by the method NomenclatureItem.getLabel, if the nomenclature item exists for the specified value.
      other cases No value labeling is performed, the method returns the formatted value.
      Context limitations
      If the specified ValueContext is a ProcedureContext, this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException when dynamic or programmatic labeling calls ValueContext.getValue(Path) using a relative path.
      aValue - The value must be compatible with the type of the current node. If the current node specifies maxOccurs > 1, then the value must be an element of the List instance, not the List itself.
      useLabels - If true and labeling is enabled, specifies to return the label associated with the value. See the table above.
      aValueContext - Context that contains the value. It is used when the label to be returned depends on a contextual and dynamic resolution based on a relative path (see above).
      aLocale - Locale for formatting numbers, dates or localized labels.
      See Also:
    • formatToXsString

      String formatToXsString(Object aValue)
      Returns the string that corresponds to the specified value. This method uses the underlying XML Schema type for performing the Object-to-String conversion.

      For example, if the underlying type is xs:date, the specified record must be a Date instance and this method will return the XML Schema representation of this date.

      IllegalArgumentException - If the resulting string is not a valid XML string (this happens if a specified xs:string contains invalid XML characters).
      ClassCastException - if the value is not of the expected Java type.
      See Also:
    • parseXsString

      Object parseXsString(String aString) throws ConversionException
      Returns the value that corresponds to the specified string. This method uses the underlying XML Schema type for performing the String-to-Object conversion.

      For example, if the underlying type is xs:date, the string must conform to the XML Schema representation of dates (for example, "1999-05-31"). This method then returns a Date instance.

      ConversionException - if specified string is invalid with respect to the underlying XML Schema type.
      See Also:
    • getOccurrencesJavaClass

      Class<?> getOccurrencesJavaClass()
      Returns the default Class of the Java records of this data model node, null if this node is above a terminal node.
      See Also:
    • getJavaBeanClass

      Class<?> getJavaBeanClass()
      Returns the specific Java Bean class defined on this data model node (attribute osd:class) or null if no Java Bean has been defined and/or this node is not terminal. The difference with getOccurrencesJavaClass() is the fact that it returns null if no specific Java Bean has been defined in the data model. Therefore for simple types, it returns always null.
      See Also:
    • createNewOccurrence

      Object createNewOccurrence()
      Creates a new Java object that complies to this node definition.

      The returned value conforms to the following rules:

      • If the element declaration includes maxOccurs > 1, the method does not take this fact into account (that is, it returns an element of the List, not a List instance).
      • If the element is of a simple type and no default value is defined, it returns null.
      • If the element is of a simple type and a default value is defined, it returns this default value (a clone of it, if this is a mutable object).
      • If the element is of a complex type, it returns a new instance, either of the class specified in the osd:class="" attribute, or of a default internal class (such an instance may be accessed by executeRead(Object)).
      See Also:
    • executeRead

      Object executeRead(Object aContainerOccurrence)
      Reads the specified occurrence of the parent node and returns the value corresponding to this node.

      Precondition: This node must be a descendant of a terminal node.


      A parent node declares maxOccurs > 1 and it refers to a complex. Hence, the parent value will be a Java List. For each object (occurrence) in the list, this method gets the value associated with this child node.

      aContainerOccurrence - must be an occurrence complying with the data model definition of the parent node.
      See Also:
    • executeWrite

      void executeWrite(Object aValue, Object aContainerOccurrence)
      Modifies the specified occurrence of the parent node by setting the specified value. As explained in the section Modification of mutable objects, to be persisted, the locally modified object must be set to the context.

      Precondition: This node must be a descendant of a terminal node.

      aValue - value to be set on the parent object, it must comply with the data model definition of this node; if it specifies maxOccurs > 1, the specified value must be a List.
      aContainerOccurrence - parent object to be modified, it must be an occurrence complying with the data model definition of the parent node; the parent node must be a complex type; if it specifies maxOccurs > 1, the specified object must be an element of List, not the List itself.
      See Also:
    • getFacets

      Iterator<SchemaFacet> getFacets()
      Returns an iterator over the facets defined by this data model node.

      This method can be useful for retrieving all facets of a certain type. For example, using this method to get both the static and dynamic length facets on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetOnMandatoryField

      SchemaFacetOnMandatoryField getFacetOnMandatoryField()
      Returns the facet corresponding to the cardinality constraint related to a mandatory field (declares both minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs=1).
      See Also:
    • getFacetLength

      SchemaFacetLength getFacetLength()
      Returns the first length facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no length facets defined.

      If multiple length facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMaxLength

      SchemaFacetMaxLength getFacetMaxLength()
      Returns the first maxlength facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no maxlength facets defined.

      If multiple maxlength facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMinLength

      SchemaFacetMinLength getFacetMinLength()
      Returns the first minLength facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no minLength facets defined.

      If multiple minLength facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMaxBoundaryExclusive

      SchemaFacetBoundaryMaxExclusive getFacetMaxBoundaryExclusive()
      Returns the first maxExclusive facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no maxExclusive facets defined.

      If multiple maxExclusive facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMaxBoundaryInclusive

      SchemaFacetBoundaryMaxInclusive getFacetMaxBoundaryInclusive()
      Returns the first maxInclusive facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no maxInclusive facets defined.

      If multiple maxInclusive facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMinBoundaryExclusive

      SchemaFacetBoundaryMinExclusive getFacetMinBoundaryExclusive()
      Returns the first minExclusive facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no minExclusive facets defined.

      If multiple minExclusive facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetMinBoundaryInclusive

      SchemaFacetBoundaryMinInclusive getFacetMinBoundaryInclusive()
      Returns the first minInclusive facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no minInclusive facets defined.

      If multiple minInclusive facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetPattern

      SchemaFacetPattern getFacetPattern()
      Returns the first pattern facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no pattern facets defined.

      If multiple pattern facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetTotalDigits

      SchemaFacetTotalDigits getFacetTotalDigits()
      Returns the first totalDigits facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no totalDigits facets defined.

      If multiple totalDigits facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetExcludeValue

      SchemaFacetExcludeValue getFacetExcludeValue()
      Returns the first excludeValue facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no excludeValue facets defined.

      If multiple excludeValue facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetExcludeSegment

      SchemaFacetExcludeSegment getFacetExcludeSegment()
      Returns the first excludeSegment facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no excludeSegment facets defined.

      If multiple excludeSegment facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetFractionDigits

      SchemaFacetFractionDigits getFacetFractionDigits()
      Returns the first fractionDigits facet declared on this node. Returns null if the node has no fractionDigits facets defined.

      If multiple fractionDigits facets are defined, the method getFacets() can be called instead to retrieve all facets declared on this node.

      See Also:
    • getFacetOnTableReference

      SchemaFacetTableRef getFacetOnTableReference()
      Returns the osd:tableRef facet (foreign key constraint) declared on this node. Returns null if the node does not have a foreign key constraint or if it has errors due to a non-existent container dataset or dataspace.
    • getFacetOResource

      SchemaFacetOResource getFacetOResource()
      Returns the OResource facet held by this node. Returns null if the node does not have an OResource facet.
      See Also:
    • getFacetEnumeration

      SchemaFacetEnumeration getFacetEnumeration()
      Returns the first enumeration facet declared on this node. That is, one the following facets: xs:enumeration, osd:tableRef, osd:enumeration, osd:constraintEnumeration, or osd:constraintNomenclature (deprecated). Returns null if the node does not define an enumeration.
      See Also:
    • getEnumerationList

      <T> List<T> getEnumerationList(ValueContext aValueContext)
      If the data model specifies an enumeration, returns the values that this node may take on. If no enumeration is specified, this method returns null.

      When a label is associated with a value, this label may be displayed by invoking displayOccurrence.

      The supported cases are as follows:

      Data model definition Result
      xs:enumeration For a static enumeration, this method returns the list of static objects defined in the data model.
      osd:tableRef For a foreign key constraint, this method returns the list of primary keys defined by the target table, in their String representation (see PrimaryKey.format()).
      osd:enumeration For a dynamic enumeration, this method returns the list of objects defined by the target node.
      osd:constraintEnumeration For a programmatic enumeration constraint, this method returns the list of objects as returned by ConstraintEnumeration.getValues(ValueContext).
      osd:constraintNomenclature (deprecated) For a programmatic nomenclature constraint, this method returns the list of the values of the nomenclature returned by ConstraintNomenclature.getNomenclature(ValueContext).
      other cases This method returns null.
      aValueContext - Context containing the enumeration, used when the enumeration to be returned depends on a contextual and dynamic resolution.
      See Also:
    • getUniquenessConstraints

      List<UniquenessConstraint> getUniquenessConstraints()
      Returns the uniqueness constraints applied on this table using the property xs:unique. Returns null if this node is not a table or does not contain uniqueness constraints.
      See Also:
    • getEnumerationNomenclature

      <T> Nomenclature<T> getEnumerationNomenclature(ValueContext aValueContext)
      Returns the underlying Nomenclature, if found by searching through facets. If no nomenclature is found, returns null.

      The supported cases are as follows:

      Data model definition Result
      osd:enumeration For a dynamic enumeration whose target node itself has a nomenclature, this method returns the nomenclature that corresponds to the values of the target node.
      osd:constraintNomenclature (deprecated) For a programmatic nomenclature constraint, this method returns the nomenclature, as returned by ConstraintNomenclature.getNomenclature(ValueContext).
      other cases Returns null.
      aValueContext - Context containing the nomenclature, used when the nomenclature to be returned depends on a contextual and dynamic resolution.
      see table above.
      See Also:
    • isValueFunction

      boolean isValueFunction()
      Returns true if this node holds a function.

      A function is specified in the data model using an osd:function extension.

      See Also:
    • isValidationDisabled

      boolean isValidationDisabled()
      Returns true if the validation is disabled on this node.

      Validation is disabled if this node is computed and defines in the data model the attribute osd:disableValidation = true.

      See Also:
    • getInformation

      SchemaNodeInformation getInformation()
      Returns the additional information (element osd:information) for this node, as defined in the data model.
    • getDefaultViewProperties

      SchemaNodeDefaultView getDefaultViewProperties()
      Returns the default view properties for this node, as defined in the data model (element osd:defaultView under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo).

      If no default view is specified, this method returns a default SchemaNodeDefaultView with the following values:

      Method Returned value
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.getDisplayMode() null
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.getHiddenInSearch() "false"
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.getTabOrder() null
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.getViewForAdvancedSelection() null
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.getWidgetFactory() null
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.isHidden() false
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.isHiddenInDataServices() false
      SchemaNodeDefaultView.isHiddenInAllViews() false
    • getInheritanceProperties

      SchemaInheritanceProperties getInheritanceProperties()
      Returns the inheritance properties (element osd:inheritance) for this node, as defined in the data model. If no inheritance is specified, this method returns null.