Interface UniquenessConstraint

public interface UniquenessConstraint
Defines a uniqueness constraint (property xs:unique) held by a table node in a data model. This constraint indicates that a value or a set of values has to be unique in a table.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getUniquenessName

      String getUniquenessName()
      Returns the name of the uniqueness constraint defined in the data model (property name).
    • getUniqueFields

      List<? extends SchemaNode> getUniqueFields()
      Returns the nodes in the data model that are declared as being unique (property field).
    • getValidationPolicy

      SchemaFacetValidationPolicy getValidationPolicy()
      Returns the validation policy of this uniqueness constraint. Validation policy properties are defined under the element osd:validation.
      See Also:
    • getCaseSensitivity

      String getCaseSensitivity()
      Returns the case sensitivity used to check string fields defined in the uniqueness constraint.
      Possible values are: ["sensitive","insensitive"]