Interface DataspaceSet

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActivationContextOnAssociation, ActivationContextOnAssociationRecord, ActivationContextOnDataset, ActivationContextOnDataspace, ActivationContextOnHierarchy, ActivationContextOnHierarchyNode, ActivationContextOnRecord, ActivationContextOnTableView, ActivationContextWithDatasetSet<S>, ActivationContextWithSchemaNodeSet<S>, BeanFacetDataspaceSet

public interface DataspaceSet
Declarative definition of a set of dataspaces thanks to a list of include and exclude subsets.

By default, if no include/exclude is provided, the set contains all the opened non-technical branches of the repository. As soon as an exclude restriction is set, an include restriction must also be specified.

It is worth noticing that the order of the declaration of the includes/excludes does not matter.
