Interface ActivationContextWithSchemaNodeSet<S extends TableEntitySelection>

Type Parameters:
S - Defined by the sub-interface to specify the type of entity selection associated with the declared user service.
All Superinterfaces:
ActivationContext<S>, ActivationContextWithDatasetSet<S>, DatasetSet, DataspaceSet
All Known Subinterfaces:
ActivationContextOnAssociation, ActivationContextOnAssociationRecord, ActivationContextOnHierarchy, ActivationContextOnHierarchyNode, ActivationContextOnRecord, ActivationContextOnTableView

public interface ActivationContextWithSchemaNodeSet<S extends TableEntitySelection> extends ActivationContextWithDatasetSet<S>
Provides common methods for activation contexts based on a set of schema nodes.
  • Method Details

    • includeAllSchemaNodes

      void includeAllSchemaNodes()
      Includes all the schema nodes to the result schema nodes set.

      Nevertheless, it is still possible to exclude an enclosing set of schema nodes thanks to the method excludeSchemaNodesMatching(Pattern).

    • includeSchemaNodesMatching

      void includeSchemaNodesMatching(Pattern aPattern)
      Includes all the schema nodes that match the given pattern to the result schema nodes set.

      Nevertheless, it is still possible to exclude an enclosing set of schema nodes thanks to the method excludeSchemaNodesMatching(Pattern).

      aPattern - the pattern that the schema node must match
    • includeSchemaNodesMatching

      void includeSchemaNodesMatching(Path... paths)
      Includes schema nodes that match one of the given paths.
      paths - the list of schema node paths
    • excludeSchemaNodesMatching

      void excludeSchemaNodesMatching(Pattern aPattern)
      From the schema nodes set created thanks to the include methods, excludes some schema nodes from the previously set designed by the includes.
      aPattern - the pattern that will be applied
      See Also:
    • excludeSchemaNodesMatching

      void excludeSchemaNodesMatching(Path... paths)
      From the schema nodes set created thanks to the include methods, excludes schema nodes that match one of the given paths.
      paths - the list of schema node paths
      See Also: