Class ActionPermission


public final class ActionPermission extends Object
Defines the permissions for whether or not a user can execute an action.

The possible states are:

  • hidden – the action is not displayed to the user;
  • disabled – the action is not displayed to the user (same as hidden). In a future release, this state could be used to display the action to the user, but greyed out so that it cannot be executed;
  • enabled – the action is displayed and can be executed;

  • Method Details

    • getEnabled

      public static ActionPermission getEnabled()
      Factory method that specifies that an action may be executed in the current session context.
    • getDisabled

      public static ActionPermission getDisabled()
      Factory method that specifies that an action is neither displayed to the user nor can be executed by the user in the current session context. This method does not provide a reason for this restriction. To specify a reason, use the getDisabled(UserMessage) method.

      In a future release, this state could be used to display the action to the user, but greyed out so that it cannot be executed.

    • getDisabled

      public static ActionPermission getDisabled(UserMessage aReason)
      Factory method that specifies that an action is neither displayed to the user nor can be executed by the user in the current session context. This method allows to provide a reason for this restriction.

      In a future release, this state could be used to display the action to the user, but greyed out so that it cannot be executed.

    • getHidden

      public static ActionPermission getHidden()
      Factory method that specifies that an action is neither displayed to the user nor can be executed by the user in the current session context. This method does not provide a reason for this restriction. To specify a reason, use the getHidden(UserMessage) method.
    • getHidden

      public static ActionPermission getHidden(UserMessage aReason)
      Factory method that specifies that an action is neither displayed to the user nor can be executed by the user in the current session context. This method allows to provide a reason for this restriction.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      See Also:
    • isDisabled

      public boolean isDisabled()
      See Also:
    • isHidden

      public boolean isHidden()
      See Also:
    • isDisabledOrHidden

      public boolean isDisabledOrHidden()
      This method returns the opposite of isEnabled().
    • getDisabledReason

      public UserMessage getDisabledReason()
      Only defined if this state is set to 'disabled' and a specific reason is provided.
      See Also:
    • parseFlag

      public static ActionPermission parseFlag(String actionFlag)
      Factory method. The argument specified can be obtained by calling the method getFlagString().
    • parseFlag

      public static ActionPermission parseFlag(char accessFlag)
      Factory method. The argument specified can be obtained by calling the method getFlagString().
    • getFlag

      public char getFlag()
      Persistent flag that identifies the permission.
    • getFlagString

      public String getFlagString()
      Persistent flag that identifies the permission.

      It returns the same content as getFlag().

    • isSameFlag

      public boolean isSameFlag(String aFlagString)
      Returns true if the flag specified is the same as the flag of this permission.
    • getActionPermissionNomenclature

      public static Nomenclature<String> getActionPermissionNomenclature(Locale currentLocale)
    • toDisplayString

      public String toDisplayString(Locale aLocale)
    • getReadOnlyActionPermissionNomenclature

      public static Nomenclature<String> getReadOnlyActionPermissionNomenclature(Locale currentLocale)
    • min

      public ActionPermission min(ActionPermission anotherPermission)
      Returns the most restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument. When two permissions has the same value, priority is given to the one having a more severe reason if specified.
    • max

      public ActionPermission max(ActionPermission anotherPermission)
      Returns the least restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument. When two permissions has the same value, priority is given to the one having a more severe reason if specified.