Class ExportImportCSVSpec


public class ExportImportCSVSpec extends Object
Defines the settings for executing an import or export to "Comma-separated values" format (CSV).

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ExportImportCSVSpec

      public ExportImportCSVSpec()
  • Method Details

    • getFieldSeparator

      public char getFieldSeparator()
      See Also:
    • getLineSeparator

      public String getLineSeparator()
      See Also:
    • getListSeparator

      public String getListSeparator()
      See Also:
    • getEncoding

      public String getEncoding()
      See Also:
    • setFieldSeparator

      public void setFieldSeparator(char separator)
      Specifies the field separator to be used.

      If not set, the value of this property is ',' (comma).

    • setLineSeparator

      public void setLineSeparator(String separator)
      Specifies the line separator to be used.

      If not set, the value of this property is '\r\n' (CRLF).

    • setListSeparator

      public void setListSeparator(String separator)
      Specifies the list separator to be used.

      If not set, the value of this property is '\r\n' (CRLF).

    • setEncoding

      public void setEncoding(String encoding)
      Specifies the character encoding to be used.

      If not set, the value of this property is 'UTF-8'.

      encoding - the name of a supported encoding (see Charset).
    • getHeader

      public ExportImportCSVSpec.Header getHeader()
      See Also:
    • setHeader

      public void setHeader(ExportImportCSVSpec.Header headerType)
      Specifies the header of the CSV file; can be ExportImportCSVSpec.Header.NONE.

      The header is set to ExportImportCSVSpec.Header.LABEL by default.

    • getTextDelimiter

      public char getTextDelimiter()
      See Also:
    • isForceEnclosingFields

      public boolean isForceEnclosingFields()
      See Also:
    • setTextDelimiter

      public void setTextDelimiter(char delimiter)
      Specifies the text delimiter to be used. The text delimiter is used for enclosing fields that contain special characters (the field separator character, the line separator character, or the text delimiter itself).

      If not set, the value of this property is '"' (double-quote).

      See Also:
    • setForceEnclosingFields

      public void setForceEnclosingFields(boolean forceEnclosingFields)
      Specifies that, during an export, all fields are to be enclosed within text delimiter characters, even if the fields do not contain any special characters.

      If not set, this property is false.

      See Also:
    • isNullStringEncoded

      public boolean isNullStringEncoded()
      See Also:
    • setNullStringEncoded

      public void setNullStringEncoded(boolean nullStringEncoded)
      Specifies if null strings will be translated to ebx-csv:nil values in CSV fields.

      • If not set, a null string is exported as an empty string.
      • If set, depending on the distinction between a null value and an empty string:
        • If the distinction is preserved, a round-trip export-import will replace null string values with empty strings.
        • Otherwise, a round-trip export-import will preserve null values.

      See Also:
    • isInheritanceEnabled

      public boolean isInheritanceEnabled()
      See Also:
    • setInheritanceEnabled

      public void setInheritanceEnabled(boolean inheritanceEnabled)
      Specifies if the inheritance will be taken into account during a CSV export or import.
      • For a CSV export
        • If set to false (the default), inheritance is ignored then,
        • If set to true, inheritance is taken into account during the export then:
          • a technical data x:defMode that specifies the definition mode for each record is added to the first column of the CSV file. The possible values of x:defMode are 'N', 'T', 'V' and 'C' and correspond respectively to inherit, root, overwrite and occult modes;
          • a technical data x:inh that specifies if the field is inherited or occulted is added before each field column;
          • resolved values of fields are exported.
      • For a CSV Import
        • If set to false (the default), inheritance is ignored and record fields are overwritten with imported values.
        • If set to true, inheritance is taken into account during the import then:
          • if the read value of column x:defMode is 'N', the record is forced to be in inherit mode that means;
            • it is occulted then deleted, if an overwritten record with the same primary key exists in the current table;
            • it is deleted, if an occulted record with the same primary key exists in the current table;
            • nothing is done, if an inherited record with the same primary key exists in the current table;
            • nothing is done, if no record exists with the same primary key in the current table.
          • if the read value of column x:defMode is 'C', the record is forced to be in occult mode that means;
            • it is deleted, if an inherited record with the same primary key exists in the target table;
            • it is occulted, if an overwritten record with the same primary key exists in the current table;
            • nothing is done, if an occulted record with the same primary key exists in the current table;
            • nothing is done, if no record exists with the same primary key in the current table.
          • if the read value of column x:inh is 'N', the field following this column is forced to be in inherit mode; AdaptationValue.INHERIT_VALUE is set;
          • otherwise, record fields are overwritten with imported values.


      • During a CSV export or import, if the dataset of the table has no parent or if the table has no inherited field, inheritance is always ignored.

      See Also: