Class ImportSpecMode


public final class ImportSpecMode extends Object
Defines the possible modes for an XML import.

The complete specification of XML imports is available in XML Imports.

  • Field Details

    • UPDATE

      public static final ImportSpecMode UPDATE
      Update mode: only modifications of existing records are allowed. If, in the target table, a record with the same primary key does not exist, an error is returned and the whole operation is cancelled.
    • INSERT

      public static final ImportSpecMode INSERT
      Insert mode: only record creations are allowed. If a record already exists in the target table with the same primary key as in the source, an error is returned and the whole operation is cancelled.

      public static final ImportSpecMode UPDATE_OR_INSERT
      Update or insert mode: both record creations and modifications of existing records are allowed. If a record with the same primary key exists in the target table, it is updated, otherwise, a new record is inserted.

      public static final ImportSpecMode REPLACE
      Replace (synchronization) mode: if a record with the same primary key exists in the target table, it is updated, otherwise, a new record is inserted; if a record is not present in the source, it is deleted.
  • Method Details

    • isUpdate

      public boolean isUpdate()
      Returns true if this is UPDATE mode.
    • isInsert

      public boolean isInsert()
      Returns true if this is INSERT mode.
    • isUpdateOrInsert

      public boolean isUpdateOrInsert()
      Returns true if this is UPDATE_OR_INSERT mode.
    • isReplace

      public boolean isReplace()
      Returns true if this is REPLACE mode.
    • format

      public String format()
      Returns a persistent identifier for this definition mode.

      The ImportSpecMode can obtained by parsing the persistent identifier using the method parse(String).

      See Also:
    • parse

      public static ImportSpecMode parse(String aFlag)
      Returns the definition mode that corresponds to the string specified.

      The specified string must have been generated by the method format().

      IllegalArgumentException - if string specified is an invalid persistent identifier.
      See Also:
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Returns a human-readable label for this XML import mode.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object