Interface DifferenceBetweenTables

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DifferenceBetweenTables extends Difference
Represents the difference between two tables. In a table, records are identified by their primary keys.
  • Method Details

    • getContainer

      Returns the container.
    • getLeft

      AdaptationTable getLeft()
      Returns the table on the left side.
    • getPathOnLeft

      Path getPathOnLeft()
      Returns the path of the table on the left side.
    • getRight

      AdaptationTable getRight()
      Returns the table on the right side.
    • getPathOnRight

      Path getPathOnRight()
      Returns the path of the table on the right side.
    • getExtraOccurrencesOnLeft

      List<ExtraOccurrenceOnLeft> getExtraOccurrencesOnLeft()
      Returns the extra records on the left side. These are the records that exist in the table on the left but not in the table on the right.
      a List of ExtraOccurrenceOnLeft.
    • getExtraOccurrenceOnLeft

      ExtraOccurrenceOnLeft getExtraOccurrenceOnLeft(PrimaryKey aKey)
    • getExtraOccurrencesOnLeft

      void getExtraOccurrencesOnLeft(List<? super ExtraOccurrenceOnLeft> aCollection)
      Adds the extra records on the left side to the specified collection.

      This is equivalent to:

    • getExtraOccurrencesOnLeftSize

      int getExtraOccurrencesOnLeftSize()
      Returns the total number of extra records on the left side.
    • getExtraOccurrencesOnRight

      List<ExtraOccurrenceOnRight> getExtraOccurrencesOnRight()
      Returns the extra records on the right. These are the records that exist in the table on the right side but not in the table on the left side.
      a List of ExtraOccurrenceOnRight.
    • getExtraOccurrenceOnRight

      ExtraOccurrenceOnRight getExtraOccurrenceOnRight(PrimaryKey aKey)
    • getExtraOccurrencesOnRight

      void getExtraOccurrencesOnRight(List<? super ExtraOccurrenceOnRight> aCollection)
      Adds the extra records on the right side to the specified collection.

      This is equivalent to:

    • getExtraOccurrencesOnRightSize

      int getExtraOccurrencesOnRightSize()
      Returns the total number of extra records on the right side.
    • getDeltaOccurrences

      List<DifferenceBetweenOccurrences> getDeltaOccurrences()
      Returns the delta records. These are the records that are defined in both tables (according to their primary keys), but have differences.
      a List of DifferenceBetweenOccurrences.
    • getDeltaOccurrence

      DifferenceBetweenOccurrences getDeltaOccurrence(PrimaryKey aPrimaryKey)
    • getDeltaOccurrences

      void getDeltaOccurrences(List<? super DifferenceBetweenOccurrences> aCollection)
      Adds the delta records to the specified collection.

      This is equivalent to:

    • getDeltaOccurrencesSize

      int getDeltaOccurrencesSize()
      Returns the total number of delta records.