Class AdaptationTreeOptimizerSpec_RemoveDuplicates


public class AdaptationTreeOptimizerSpec_RemoveDuplicates extends AdaptationTreeOptimizerSpec
Specifies an optimization by removing duplicates in a dataset tree.

The optimization is made by comparing the specified dataset A and each specified descendant B:

For each A and B pair compared: if the value of B is defined and is equal to the corresponding value of A, then the value in B is set to "inherited".

For tables, it compares each child node of each record to the record with the same primary key in the parent.

  • Constructor Details

    • AdaptationTreeOptimizerSpec_RemoveDuplicates

      public AdaptationTreeOptimizerSpec_RemoveDuplicates(Adaptation aDataSet, boolean includeAllDescendants)
      Constructs a specification for removing duplicates in a dataset tree.

      If the parameter includeAllDescendants is set to false, the optimization will only handle the specified dataset and its children.

      aDataSet - top parent targeted by the dataset tree optimization.
      includeAllDescendants - includes the specified dataset and all descendant datasets.
  • Method Details