Class BatchLauncher


public final class BatchLauncher extends Object
This class is used to launch Batch. It can be used in a JEE container or in a server-less mode. When using it in server-less mode, the method prepareServerLessEnvironment(File, File) must be called once per JVM execution.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • prepareServerLessEnvironment

      public static void prepareServerLessEnvironment(File modulesRootDir, File propertiesFile) throws Exception
      This method must be called to prepare the environment for batch processing in a server-less environment.

      Like TestHelper, it provides a "server-less" environment for executing EBX® (the Java Virtual Machine does not require a running application server). The main difference from TestHelper is that a batch executes on the repository that is specified by the EBX® main configuration file (the repository must have been previously installed).


      There are some limitations to using a server-less environment:

      • D3 is not available
      • Data model assistant is not usable since it is a "UI-only" module
      Required architecture and configuration

      In order to be used, the environment must conform to the following principles:

      1. A repository cannot be shared by multiple JVMs. If such a situation occurs, it may lead to unpredictable behavior and even to the corruption of repository data. Consequently, if an application server is connected to the same repository during the work day, it is imperative to stop it before using this class. Reciprocally, it is mandatory to ensure that batches are terminated before restarting the application server. It is also imperative to execute a single batch at any given time on a given repository.
      2. The EBX® root module and all specific modules required for running tests must be expanded under the designated directory (see prepareServerLessEnvironment(File, File)).
      3. The classpath must declare at least:
        • EBX® libraries (core library and webapps libraries)
        • JavaMail
        • Ant version 1.6.5 or higher
        • Libraries used to access the database
      It has to be called before any batch processing using executeBatch(Batch).
      modulesRootDir - indicates the root directory in which to look for EBX® modules to be registered. The search is recursively executed under the specified directory, according to the following regexp: */webapps/*. This means that every required EBX® module, including the root module and the manager module, must be placed in a directory named webapps. Additionally, all modules must be expanded (they must not remain packaged as WAR files). Here is an example of a directory tree structure with two modules (predefined ebx-root-1.0, ebx-manager and specific module-sample) and where modulesRootDir is the "Root" directory :
              `-- test-project
                             `-- webapps
                                       |-- ebx-root-1.0
                                       |   |-- META-INF
                                       |   |   `-- MANIFEST.MF
                                       |   |-- WEB-INF
                                       |   |   |-- ebx
                                       |   |   |   |-- ...
                                       |   |   |   |-- module.xml
                                       |   |   |   `-- ...
                                       |   |   |-- lib
                                       |   |   |   `-- ebx-root-1.0.jar
                                       |   |   `-- web.xml
                                       |   `-- www
                                       |       `-- common
                                       |           `-- ...
                                       |-- ebx-manager
                                       |   `-- ...
                                       `-- module-sample
                                           `-- WEB-INF
                                               |-- ebx
                                               |   |-- module.xml
                                               |   `-- schema
                                               |       `-- sample-many-simple-tables-100.xsd
                                               `-- web.xml
      propertiesFile - the path to the EBX® main configuration file. if set to null, the system property will be used instead.
      IllegalStateException - if called more that once per JVM execution.
    • getBatchLauncher

      public static BatchLauncher getBatchLauncher()
    • executeBatch

      public void executeBatch(Batch aBatch) throws Exception
      This method executes the method Batch.executeBatch(Repository).

      Before invoking this method it is mandatory to conform to the required architecture specified in the class comment.
