Class UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane

Enclosing class:

public static final class UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane extends Object
Describes the content of a documentation pane. A documentation pane is a pop-up displayed near the label's node.
  • Constructor Details

    • DocumentationPane

      public DocumentationPane(Path aPrefixedPath, boolean isAdvancedInfo)
      Class constructor for standard node documentation. In this mode, the data model node corresponding to the specified prefixed path is retrieved from the user session context and its information is displayed using the default method.

      Note 1: In addition to being standard, one benefit of this mode is that the pane is built using an Ajax request. Thus, it is lightweight in terms of page container.

      Note 2: For UI forms only, an absolute path in the data model may be used instead of a prefixed path. Prefixed paths are mandatory for user services and recommended for UI forms.

      aPrefixedPath - The prefixed path of the node whose documentation is to be displayed.
      isAdvancedInfo - true to display the advanced information, false otherwise. The advanced information provides technical information, such as the type and the path.
      See Also:
    • DocumentationPane

      public DocumentationPane()
      Class constructor for specific documentation.
    • DocumentationPane

      public DocumentationPane(String aTitle)
      Class constructor for specific documentation.
      aTitle - The title of the documentation pane.
    • DocumentationPane

      public DocumentationPane(UserMessage aTitle)
      Class constructor for specific documentation.
      aTitle - The title of the documentation pane.
  • Method Details

    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(String aTitle)
      Specifies the title of the documentation pane. In standard node documentation mode, this is the label (osd:label) of the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(UserMessage aTitle)
      Specifies the title of the documentation pane. In standard node documentation mode, this is the label (osd:label) of the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Specifies the description for the documentation pane. In standard node documentation mode, this is the property osd:description of the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(UserMessage description)
      Specifies the description of the documentation pane. In standard node documentation mode, this is the property osd:description of the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setError

      public void setError(String error)
      Optional, specifies an error message associated with the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setValidationMessage

      public void setValidationMessage(UserMessage aValidationMessage)
      Optional, specifies a validation message associated with the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • setError

      public void setError(UserMessage error)
      Optional, specifies an error message associated with the current node.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(String aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section.

      This method is equivalent to:

      DocumentationPane.addBlock(null, value)
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(UserMessage aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section.

      This method is equivalent to:

      DocumentationPane.addBlock(null, value)
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(String aTitle, String aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section, consisting of a title and text.
      aText - can be pure text or HTML not too heavy and well formed
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(UserMessage aTitle, String aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section, consisting of a title and text.
      aText - can be pure text or HTML not too heavy and well formed
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(String aTitle, UserMessage aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section, consisting of a title and a text.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(UserMessage aTitle, UserMessage aText)
      Specifies an additional paragraph in an open section, consisting of a title and a text.
      IllegalStateException - If this pane was built in standard node documentation mode.