Class UIFormSpec


public final class UIFormSpec extends Object
In the context of User services, specifies the general features of an HTML form.


This class if for compatibility with user services developed using older versions of EBX®. This class must not be used with user services implementing interface UserService.

Bottom bar

It is possible to set the buttons in a bottom bar.

This feature enables a special layout for the workspace: the bottom bar is fixed at the bottom, and the scrollbar on the right is drawn to fit the space between the header and the bottom bar.

All properties of this object must be set before calling UIServiceComponentWriter.startForm(UIFormSpec).

Caution: Due to this special layout, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UIFormSpec

      public UIFormSpec()
  • Method Details

    • addActionBackInBottomBar

      public void addActionBackInBottomBar(UIButtonSpec actionBack)
      Adds a button on the left side of the bottom bar.

      Caution: If the form contains a bottom bar, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

      actionBack - the button's specification.
      See Also:
    • addActionBackInBottomBar

      public void addActionBackInBottomBar(UIButtonSpec actionBack, boolean isPreviousStep)
      Adds a button on the left side of the bottom bar.

      Caution: If the form contains a bottom bar, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

      actionBack - the button's specification.
      isPreviousStep - true to defines that the button will induce the previous screen/step, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • addActionForwardInBottomBar

      public void addActionForwardInBottomBar(UIButtonSpec actionForward)
      Adds a button on the right side of the bottom bar.

      Caution: If the form contains a bottom bar, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

      actionForward - the button's specification.
      See Also:
    • addActionForwardInBottomBar

      public void addActionForwardInBottomBar(UIButtonSpec actionForward, boolean isNextStep)
      Adds a button on the right side of the bottom bar.

      Caution: If the form contains a bottom bar, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

      actionForward - the button's specification.
      isNextStep - true to defines that the button will induce the next screen/step, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • addActionInplaceInBottomBar

      public void addActionInplaceInBottomBar(UIButtonSpec actionInplace)
      Adds a button at the center of the bottom bar.

      Caution: If the form contains a bottom bar, no content (HTML code) is allowed before or after the form.

      actionInplace - the button's specification.
      See Also:
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
      Defines the HTML id for the form element.

      This id is useful for finding the form element using JavaScript. For instance, to list a form's elements.

      The id attribute must respect the W3C Recommendation (such as being unique in the page). See for more information.

      id - the HTML id of the form.
    • setJsFnNameToCallBeforeSubmit

      public void setJsFnNameToCallBeforeSubmit(String jsFnNameToCallBeforeSubmit)
      Sets a JavaScript's function to be called before submitting the form.

      The DOM form element will be given as an argument of this function.

      JavaScript function checkFormValidity(formEl) {
        if (formEl.elements["ckbAcceptConditions"].checked) {
          return true; // the form will be sent
        } else {
          alert("Check the box to accept conditions.");
          return false; // the form will NOT be sent
      Java myFormSpec.setJsFnNameToCallBeforeSubmit("checkFormValidity");

      If the JavaScript's function returns true and the clicked submit button has a confirmation message, the confirmation message will be displayed after calling of the JavaScript's function.

      If the form is submitted by clicking a submit button, that button can be accessed using formEl.ebx_lastSubmitFocused ; otherwise formEl.ebx_lastSubmitFocused is null.

      jsFnNameToCallBeforeSubmit - the name of the JavaScript function to call before submitting the form.
    • setMarginForContent

      @Deprecated public void setMarginForContent(boolean hasMarginForContent)
      Since 5.4.0 which provides new look & feel. UICSSClasses.CONTAINER_WITH_TEXT can still be used to include a margin around text.
      Forms are used to display node values (tree layout), or other content (text layout). In the latter case, it is advised to set a thin margin for content, otherwise information will be flush against the left border.

      Default value is false.

      hasMarginForContent - true to enable margin for content, false otherwise.
    • setMultipart

      public void setMultipart(boolean isMultipart)
      Defines whether of not the form has multiple parts. This is required in order to enable file uploads.

      Default value is false.

      isMultipart - true to enable multipart, false otherwise.
    • setURLForAction

      public void setURLForAction(String urlForAction)
      Defines the URL of the action attribute of the form.

      By default, the URL is null, so the form will submit values to the current page.

      urlForAction - the URL of the action attribute of the form.
    • setDetectionOfLostModificationDisabled

      public void setDetectionOfLostModificationDisabled(boolean isDisabled)
      Sets whether or not the user is prompted for a confirmation when input has been entered in the form, but the page is abandoned before saving the input.

      Default value is false.

      isDisabled - true to disable form detection upon leaving the page, false to enable it and reset to default.
      See Also: