Class UIButtonSpec

Direct Known Subclasses:
UIButtonSpecJSAction, UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle, UIButtonSpecNavigation

public abstract class UIButtonSpec extends Object
This abstract class provides the common features for different types of buttons.
  • Method Details

    • getButtonIcon

      public final UIButtonIcon getButtonIcon()
      Returns the icon of the button, null if it was not set.
    • getButtonLayout

      public final UIButtonLayout getButtonLayout()
      Returns the layout of the button, UIButtonLayout.TEXT_ONLY by default.
    • getConfirmationMessage

      public final UserMessage getConfirmationMessage()
      Returns the confirmation message of the button, null if it was not set.
    • getIconURL

      public final String getIconURL()
      Returns the URL of the icon of the button, null if it was not set.
      See Also:
    • getId

      public final String getId()
      Returns the id of the button, null if it was not set.
    • getLabel

      public final UserMessage getLabel()
      Returns the label of the button.
      See Also:
    • getRelief

      public final UIButtonRelief getRelief()
      Returns the relief of this button.
      See Also:
    • getTooltip

      public final UserMessage getTooltip()
      Returns the tooltip of the button, null if it is not set.
    • hasConfirmationMessage

      public final boolean hasConfirmationMessage()
      Returns true if a confirmation message is set, false otherwise.
    • isDefaultButton

      public final boolean isDefaultButton()
      Returns true if the button is set as the default button, false otherwise.
    • isDisabled

      public final boolean isDisabled()
      Returns true if the button is set as disabled, false otherwise.
    • isExcludedFromTabFocus

      public final boolean isExcludedFromTabFocus()
      Returns true if the button is set as excluded from the tab focus, false otherwise.
    • setButtonIcon

      public final void setButtonIcon(UIButtonIcon buttonIcon)
      Sets a predefined icon for the button.

      To get an effective display of the icon, it is necessary to also set the button layout accordingly, for example:




      Setting a button icon will override the icon URL.

      Default value is null.

      buttonIcon - the icon to set.
    • setButtonLayout

      public final void setButtonLayout(UIButtonLayout buttonLayout)
      Sets the button layout.

      Default is UIButtonLayout.TEXT_ONLY.

      buttonLayout - the UIButtonLayout to set for the button.
    • setIconURL

      public final void setIconURL(String iconURL)
      Sets a custom icon for the button.

      To get an effective display of the icon, it is necessary to also set the button layout accordingly, for example:




      The display area of the icon is 16x16 pixels. Within a form input field area, the size is 14x14 pixels.

      Setting an icon URL will override the button icon.

      Default value is null.

      iconURL - the URL of the icon to set.
    • setConfirmationMessage

      public final void setConfirmationMessage(UserMessage confirmationMessage)
      Sets a message to confirm the button action. An "OK"/"Cancel" dialog will pop up when the button is clicked.

      If the user clicks "Cancel" in the dialog, the action will not be called.

      confirmationMessage - the confirmation message to set for the button.
    • setCssClass

      public final void setCssClass(String cssClass)
      Sets additional CSS classes for the button. Multiple classes are whitespace-separated.

      The class attribute must respect the W3C Recommendation. See for more information.

      cssClass - the additional CSS classes to set for the button.
    • setDefaultButton

      public final void setDefaultButton(boolean isDefaultButton)
      Enables the default mode for a button.

      The default mode button can be slightly highlighted.

      If the button is a submit button, it must be activated when the "ENTER" key is used in the form. If multiple submit buttons are defined as being the default ones in a form, only the last one must be activated.

      Default value is false.

      isDefaultButton - true to enable the default mode for the button, false to disable it.
    • setDisabled

      public final void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
      Sets the button to disable. A disabled button is less visible and cannot be clicked nor focused on.

      Default value is false.

      The activation of a button can also be managed by JavaScript using the function UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_setButtonDisabled(String, String).

      disabled - true to disable the button, false to reactivate it.
    • setExcludedFromTabFocus

      public final void setExcludedFromTabFocus(boolean excludeFromTabFocus)
      Disables user access to the button using the keyboard.

      Default value is false.

      excludeFromTabFocus - true to disable keyboard access, false for default behavior.
    • setId

      public final void setId(String id)
      Sets an id for the button.

      The id attribute must respect the W3C Recommendation (in particular, by being unique in the page). See for more information.

      If no id is specified, an id will be randomly generated.

      id - the id to set for the button.
    • setLabel

      public final void setLabel(UserMessage aLabel)
      Sets a label for the button.
      aLabel - the label to set for the button.
    • setRelief

      public final void setRelief(UIButtonRelief aRelief)
      Defines a specific relief for the current button.

      If this method is not invoked, the default relief, complying with the guidelines, should be applied. If this button is a default button (also called a primary button), defining a specific relief will be ignored.

      aRelief - a specific relief to be applied to this button, or null to reset the default relief.
    • setTooltip

      public final void setTooltip(UserMessage tooltip)
      Sets a tooltip for the button.

      If the button layout is set to UIButtonLayout.ICON_ONLY, the label will be used for the tooltip, and thus this tooltip will not be used.

      tooltip - the tooltip to set the button.