Interface UILabelRendererForHierarchy

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UILabelRendererForHierarchy extends UIRenderer
Interface for presenting a hierarchy node inside a hierarchy tree.

Definition in the data model

A specific user interface label renderer component may be associated with any table to render its records. The component must be declared under the element <osd:table>, whether or not it is in association with <osd:defaultLabel> elements. For example:

       <defaultLabel>Assortment: ${./AssortmentID}</defaultLabel>
       <defaultLabel xml:lang="fr-FR">Assortiment: ${./AssortmentID}</defaultLabel>
       <defaultLabel xml:lang="en-US">Assortment: ${./AssortmentID}</defaultLabel>
       <defaultLabel osd:class=""/>
where is the fully qualified name of a class implementing this interface.
  • Method Details

    • displayLabel

      void displayLabel(UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext context)
      Writes a user-friendly label to the specified context.

      The implementation of this method must support the execution of multiple concurrent threads.