Interface UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext

All Superinterfaces:
UIBodyWriter, UILabelRendererContext, UIResourceLocator

public interface UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext extends UILabelRendererContext, UIResourceLocator
Provides a context for displaying a hierarchy node.

Warning: if the node is a root node, the container parent node for orphan nodes, or an enumeration node, it does not correspond to a table record (that is, method getOccurrence() returns null).

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOccurrence

      Adaptation getOccurrence()
      Returns the current record being displayed.

      Warning: this method returns null if the current node is a root node, the container parent node for orphan nodes, or an enumeration node.

      Specified by:
      getOccurrence in interface UILabelRendererContext
    • getEnumerationValue

      Object getEnumerationValue()
      Returns the current enumeration value if this is an enumeration node. Otherwise, this method returns null.
      See Also:
    • getHierarchyNode

      @Deprecated HierarchyNode getHierarchyNode()
      Returns the current hierarchy node being displayed.
    • getMember

      com.orchestranetworks.hierarchy.Member getMember()
      Returns the current hierarchy member being displayed.
    • getLabelFromDefaultPattern

      String getLabelFromDefaultPattern()
      Returns the label resolved from the configured pattern.

      If the hierarchy level configuration defines a pattern, then the returned label is resolved according to this pattern.

      Otherwise, if the table definition in the data model defines a pattern, then the returned label matches this pattern.

      The default pattern is looked up on the elements <defaultLabel [xml:lang="..."]>, which are specified by the table definition.

      If no pattern is defined, then the returned label is the formatted primary key. (The localized value of each node of the primary key separated by white spaces.)

      Specified by:
      getLabelFromDefaultPattern in interface UILabelRendererContext
      See Also:
    • isEnumerationNode

      boolean isEnumerationNode()
      Returns true if the current node is an enumeration node; otherwise, it returns false.

      An enumeration corresponds to an xs:enumeration element in the data model.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

      See Also:
    • isOrphansParent

      boolean isOrphansParent()
      Returns true if the current node is the container parent node of orphan nodes; otherwise, it returns false.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

    • isRoot

      boolean isRoot()
      Returns true if the current node is the root of the hierarchy; otherwise, it returns false.

      In this case, the method getOccurrence() returns null.

    • isTarget

      boolean isTarget()
      Returns true if the current record is a target table record; otherwise, it returns false.

      The target table is the table from which the hierarchy was built.

    • isTerminal

      boolean isTerminal()
      Returns true if the current record has no children in the hierarchy; otherwise, it returns false.
    • isDefaultLinkEnabled

      boolean isDefaultLinkEnabled()
      Returns true if using the default behavior for node selection; otherwise, it returns false.

      The default is true.

      See Also:
    • setDefaultLinkEnabled

      void setDefaultLinkEnabled(boolean isDefaultLinkEnabled)
      Sets whether to use the default behavior for node selection.

      If false, then any selection links must be explicitly generated using this label renderer, for example, by adding specific HTML a tags with the href attribute.

      The default is true.

      See Also:
    • setDefaultIconDisplayed

      void setDefaultIconDisplayed(boolean isDefaultIconDisplayed)
      Sets whether to use the default icon for hierarchy nodes.

      If false, then the content of the line shifts left to where the icon would have been. It is then possible to add a custom icon by adding an img HTML tag. The recommended icon size is 16x16 px. For proper vertical alignment, set vertical-align: -3px;.

      For example: <img src="path/of/my/icon/redBullet16x16.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;"/>

      The default is true.

    • getURLForSelectingCurrentNode

      String getURLForSelectingCurrentNode()
      Returns the URL for selecting the hierarchy node of the current record.
    • getURLForAjaxComponent

      String getURLForAjaxComponent(String ajaxComponentName)
      This inherited method is not supported.
      Specified by:
      getURLForAjaxComponent in interface UIResourceLocator
      ajaxComponentName - name of the Ajax component declared either in the data model or in the module.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called.
      See Also:
    • getURLForAjaxComponent

      String getURLForAjaxComponent(String ajaxComponentName, Map<String,String> parameters)
      This inherited method is not supported.
      Specified by:
      getURLForAjaxComponent in interface UIResourceLocator
      ajaxComponentName - name of the Ajax component declared either in the data model or in the module. If the Ajax component is declared in the module, the name should be prefixed by the module's name and '@' for example module_name@ajax_component_name.
      parameters - map defining HTTP parameters that are passed in the Ajax request. It maps HTTP parameter names with their values.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called.
      See Also:
    • addPreviewLink

      void addPreviewLink(String aURL, String aLabel)
      Adds a preview link to the node. Clicking on the link displays the the specified URL in a standard modal inner pop-up.

      Recommendations concerning the specified URL:


      aURL - the URL of the page to open.
      aLabel - the label of the link.
      See Also: