Interface UIFormBottomBar

public interface UIFormBottomBar
The bottom bar of a form can be composed of four buttons:
  • Close
  • Revert
  • Save
  • Save & Close

Any button can be removed and/or have a custom label.

By default, not all buttons may be present, due to permissions. For example, if the default form contains only read-only fields, the buttons Revert, Save and Save & Close will not appear, only the button Close will be present.

Note: As of version 5.4.0, the button previously labeled Submit is labeled Save. Similarly, the button previously Submit & Close is now Save & Close. Although the labels have changed, the method names remain the same.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setAllButtonsNotDisplayable

      void setAllButtonsNotDisplayable()
      Sets false to all buttons displayable flag. The entire bottom bar will not be displayed.
    • setCloseButtonDisplayable

      void setCloseButtonDisplayable(boolean isDisplayable)
      isDisplayable - If false, the close button will not be displayed. If true, the close button will be displayed if the form container decides to do so.
    • setCloseButtonLabel

      void setCloseButtonLabel(UserMessage aButtonLabel)
      Sets a custom label for the Close button.
      aButtonLabel - the custom label to set for the Close button.
    • setRevertButtonDisplayable

      void setRevertButtonDisplayable(boolean isDisplayable)
      isDisplayable - If false, the revert button will not be displayed. If true, the revert button will be displayed if the form container decides to do so.
    • setRevertButtonLabel

      void setRevertButtonLabel(UserMessage aButtonLabel)
      Sets a custom label for the Revert button.
      aButtonLabel - the custom label to set for the Revert button.
    • setSubmitAndCloseButtonDisplayable

      void setSubmitAndCloseButtonDisplayable(boolean isDisplayable)
      isDisplayable - If false, the save and close button will not be displayed. If true, the save and close button will be displayed if the form container decides to do so.
    • setSubmitAndCloseButtonLabel

      void setSubmitAndCloseButtonLabel(UserMessage aButtonLabel)
      Sets a custom label for the Save & Close button (previously called "Submit & Close").
      aButtonLabel - the custom label to set for the Save & Close button.
    • setSubmitButtonDisplayable

      void setSubmitButtonDisplayable(boolean isDisplayable)
      isDisplayable - If false, the save button will not be displayed. If true, the save button will be displayed if the form container decides to do so.
    • setSubmitButtonLabel

      void setSubmitButtonLabel(UserMessage aButtonLabel)
      Sets a custom label for the Save button (previously called "Submit").
      aButtonLabel - the custom label to set for the Save button.