Package com.orchestranetworks.ui.form

package com.orchestranetworks.ui.form

This package allows customizing forms.

For more information, see UIForm.


  • Class
    In the context of a form, specifies an expand/collapse block specification.
    This abstract class is the entry point for implementing a custom record form.
    Allows defining the body of a custom form.
    The bottom bar of a form can be composed of four buttons: Close Revert Save Save & Close
    Context provided by the user interface container that helps when defining the various parts of a custom form.
    In the context of a form, specifies a group of form rows or form groups with an indentation.
    A form group can have several display modes.
    Allows defining the header of a custom form.
    In the context of a form, specifies a record node in a row.
    Represents the display policy of a node.
    Allows to define an HTML content.
    This pane provides a table with a list of simple fields/complex groups.
    This layout divides the form into a set of tabs.
    This class offers a tab to have a UIFormLabelSpec for the title and thus can have a UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane.
    Encapsulates an HTTP response so that a form layout is able to generate its part of the page, including the building of standard model-driven widgets.
    In the context of a form, specifies a row composed of an icon, a label and a user input area (or display area, if in read-only mode).
    This interface offers methods useful to create standard EBX® forms.