Interface UIFormHeader

public interface UIFormHeader
Allows defining the header of a custom form.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • removePagingPane

      void removePagingPane()
      Removes the paging pane.

      The paging pane allows navigating to the next or previous object in the container view.

    • removeServicesMenu

      void removeServicesMenu()
      Removes the menu for services. Does nothing if a toolbar is defined (setToolbar(Toolbar)).
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(Toolbar aToolbar)
      Defines a toolbar that will be displayed on top of the form.
      See Also:
    • setContextSensitiveHelpURL

      void setContextSensitiveHelpURL(String aURL)
      Overrides the default URL of the context-sensitive help button.

      Clicking on the button displays the help pop-up with the target URL.

      A simple help button can also be placed anywhere using UIComponentWriter.addButtonHelp(String).

      aURL - the URL of the pop-up content.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(UIFormLabelSpec aTitle)
      Defines a custom title in the header of the form.
      aTitle - the label with an optional documentation pane to set as header title.