Interface UIFormRow

public interface UIFormRow
In the context of a form, specifies a row composed of an icon, a label and a user input area (or display area, if in read-only mode).

To obtain a simple form row with not icon or label set, invoke the method UIComponentWriter.newFormRow(). To obtain a default fully model-driven form row, invoke the method UIFormWriter.newFormRow(Path).

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getRowId

      String getRowId()
      See Also:
    • setRowId

      void setRowId(String aRowId)
      Sets the specified HTML id on the row.

      This method is useful for accessing an entire form row (both label and content) using JavaScript functions, for example, hiding and showing the UIFormRow.

      The id attribute must respect the W3C Recommendations (in particular, uniqueness within the page). See for more information.

      aRowId - the HTML id to set to this form row.
    • getIcon

      UIFormRowIcon getIcon()
      See Also:
    • setIcon

      void setIcon(UIFormRowIcon anIcon)
      Sets a built-in icon for this form row.

      It also sets the icon to displayed and clears the icon URL.

      anIcon - the UIFormRowIcon to set to this form row.
      See Also:
    • getIconURL

      String getIconURL()
      See Also:
    • setIconURL

      void setIconURL(String anIconUrl)
      Sets a URL of an icon of this form row.

      It also sets the icon to displayed and clears the form row icon.

      anIconUrl - the URL of the icon to set to this form row.
    • isIconDisplayed

      boolean isIconDisplayed()
      See Also:
    • setIconDisplayed

      void setIconDisplayed(boolean isDisplayed)
      Sets whether or not the icon will be displayed in the form row.

      If false, it will clear the form row icon and the icon URL.

      Default value is true.

      isDisplayed - false to set the icon as not displayed, true to display the icon and set the default value.
    • getLabel

      UIFormLabelSpec getLabel()
      See Also:
    • setLabel

      void setLabel(UIFormLabelSpec aLabelSpec)
      Sets the label of the form row.

      In the context of a UIFormPaneWriter, this label will override the label determined from the path.

      It also sets the label to displayed.

      aLabelSpec - the label to set for this form row.
    • isLabelDisplayed

      boolean isLabelDisplayed()
      See Also:
    • setLabelDisplayed

      void setLabelDisplayed(boolean isDisplayed)
      Sets whether or not the label will be displayed for the form row.

      If false, it will clear the label.

      Default value is true.

      isDisplayed - false to set the label to not displayed, true to display the label and set its default value.
    • getLabelWidth

      Size getLabelWidth()
      See Also:
    • setLabelWidth

      void setLabelWidth(Size aSize)
      Sets a fixed width for the label area of the form row. The width of the label is defined as the distance between the icon and the input area. The icon, which has a fixed width, is not included.

      If the width of the label is null, the label will use the default width defined by the corresponding parameter in the Administration area.

      If the fixed width of the label is not null but the label state is set to "not displayed", the label state will be changed to displayed.

      Default value is null.

      aSize - the Size of the label area in the form row, or null to reset to the default, which is automatic width.
    • isMandatoryIndicatorDisplayed

      Boolean isMandatoryIndicatorDisplayed()
      See Also:
    • setMandatoryIndicatorDisplayed

      void setMandatoryIndicatorDisplayed(Boolean isDisplayed)
      Sets whether or not the mandatory indicator (usually a red star near the label) will be displayed for the form row.

      Default value is null.

      isDisplayed -
      false to force the mandatory indicator to not be displayed,
      true to force the mandatory indicator to be displayed,
      null to let the model driven or the defined label proceed.
    • getWidgetWidth

      Size getWidgetWidth()
      See Also:
    • setWidgetWidth

      void setWidgetWidth(Size aSize)
      Sets a minimum width for the user input/display area of the form row.
      aSize - The Size of the field area of the form row. This is not a fixed width, as the contained user interface widget may increase the width.