Interface PerspectiveItem

All Known Subinterfaces:
PerspectiveActionItem, PerspectiveItemWithIcon, PerspectiveSectionItem

public interface PerspectiveItem
Interface that represents a perspective item.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      int getId()
      Returns the id of this item.
    • getType

      Returns the type of this item.
    • getParent

      PerspectiveItem getParent()
      Returns the parent item of this item.
    • getLabel

      UserMessage getLabel(Locale aLocale)
      Returns the label of this item.
    • getDescription

      UserMessage getDescription()
      Returns the description of this item.
    • isAncestorOf

      boolean isAncestorOf(PerspectiveItem anItem)
      Returns true only if this item is an ancestor of the item specified as parameter. (An item is not considered as an ancestor of itself).