Interface UICustomViewContext

public interface UICustomViewContext
Provides information on custom view context.
  • Method Details

    • getUserFavoriteViewKey

      UICustomViewKey getUserFavoriteViewKey(AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the favorite view key for a given table
      aTable - the table of the view.
    • getUserRecommendedViewKey

      UICustomViewKey getUserRecommendedViewKey(AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the recommended view key for a given table
      aTable - the table of the view.
    • getUserCurrentView

      UIView getUserCurrentView()
      Returns the currently applied view
    • getViewDefinition

      UIView getViewDefinition(UICustomViewKey userViewKey)
      Returns the definition of the view Returns null in case of the default view
      userViewKey - the key of the user view.
    • getCustomViewKeys

      Stream<UICustomViewKey> getCustomViewKeys(AdaptationTable aTable, UserReference aUser)
      Returns the list of keys of the custom views defined on the given table and applicable by given user
    • getCustomViewKeys

      Stream<UICustomViewKey> getCustomViewKeys(AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the list of keys of the custom views defined on the given table