Interface UIView

All Known Subinterfaces:
UIHierarchicalView, UITabularView, UITileView

public interface UIView
Provides information on custom view.
  • Method Details

    • getLabel

      UserMessage getLabel()
      Returns Localized label and description associated with the view.
    • getPublicationName

      String getPublicationName()
      Returns the value of the publication name.
    • getOwnerProfile

      Profile getOwnerProfile()
      Returns the owner of the view
    • isHierarchical

      boolean isHierarchical()
      Returns true if the view mode is hierarchy
    • isTabular

      boolean isTabular()
      Returns true if the view mode is simple tabular
    • isTile

      boolean isTile()
      Returns true if the view mode is tile
    • getViewKey

      UICustomViewKey getViewKey()
      Returns the key of the view.