Interface WebComponentDeclarationContext

public interface WebComponentDeclarationContext
Provides a context to explicitly declare the HTTP parameters of a user service and to make this service available in the user interfaces used to to define a perspective action or a workflow user task. These interfaces display the defined parameters so that their value can be populated by the user.

The parameters are either built-in or specific:

  • Built-in parameters are automatically deduced from the activation of the service. For example, if a service is activated at the dataset level then its built-in parameters will include branch, version and instance but not xpath. Built-in parameters are automatically added to this context, but they can be overridden, for example to change their label.
  • Specific parameters must be specified by adding them through this context. At runtime, they can be accessed by invoking the method Session.getInputParameterValue(boolean, String).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setAvailableAsPerspectiveAction

      void setAvailableAsPerspectiveAction(boolean isAvailableAsPerspectiveAction)
      Defines whether the service is proposed in the user interface used to define a perspective action.

      By default, a service is not proposed in this user interface.


      This method can only be used when declaring a new user service. When declaring a user service extension, this method does nothing and the service availability as perspective action is defined by the extended service.

      Also, when the service is declared in a data model which is not included in a module, this method does nothing and the service is never available as a perspective action.

    • setAvailableAsToolbarAction

      void setAvailableAsToolbarAction(boolean isAvailableAsToolbarAction)
      Defines whether the service is proposed in the user interface used to define a toolbar web component action.

      By default a service is not proposed in this user interface.


      This method can only be used when declaring a new user service. When declaring a user service extension, this method does nothing and the service availability as a toolbar web component action is defined by the extended service.

      Also, when the service is declared in a data model which is not included in a module, this method does nothing and the service is never available as a toolbar web component action.

      See Also:
    • setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask

      void setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask(boolean isAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask)

      This method is equivalent to:

      WebComponentDeclarationContext.setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask(isAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask, false);
      See Also:
    • setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask

      void setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask(boolean isAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask, boolean isAutoComplete)
      Defines if the service is proposed in the user interface used to define a workflow user task, and if this user service auto-completes itself by calling SessionInteraction.complete(com.orchestranetworks.interactions.InteractionHelper.ParametersMap) in its implementation.

      By default a service is not proposed in this user interface.


      This method can only be used when declaring a new user service. When declaring a user service extension, this method does nothing and the service availability as a workflow user task is defined by the extended service.

      Also, when the service is declared in a data model which is not included in a module, this method does nothing and the service is never available as a workflow user task.

      isAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask - indicates if the user service is available as a workflow user task.
      isAutoComplete - if enabled for the workflow, indicates if the user service is auto-completed when the interaction is created by API using WorkflowEngine.createOrOpenInteraction(com.orchestranetworks.workflow.WorkItemKey). Even if a user service is declared as auto-completed, the developer has the responsibility to call SessionInteraction.complete(com.orchestranetworks.interactions.InteractionHelper.ParametersMap) at first display in the associated user service Java code.
      IllegalArgumentException - if isAutoComplete is enabled whereas isAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask is disabled. The auto-complete parameter is only relevant in a workflow context.
      See Also:
    • getBuiltInParameterForOverride

      WebComponentParameter getBuiltInParameterForOverride(String aName)
      Retrieves the specified built-in parameter to override its definition, for example, to change its description.

      This method can only be used when declaring a new user service. It will always return null when declaring a user service extension, since parameters from the extended user service cannot be overridden.

    • addParameter

      WebComponentParameter addParameter(String aName, boolean isInput, boolean isOutput, UserMessage aLabel, UserMessage aDescription)
      Adds the specified parameter.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a parameter with the same name already exists (it can be a built-in parameter) or if both isInput and isOutput are false.
    • addInputParameter

      WebComponentParameter addInputParameter(String aName, UserMessage aLabel, UserMessage aDescription)
      Adds the specified input-only parameter.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a parameter with the same name already exists (it can be a built-in parameter).
    • addOutputParameter

      WebComponentParameter addOutputParameter(String aName, UserMessage aLabel, UserMessage aDescription)
      Adds the specified output-only parameter.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a parameter with the same name already exists (it can be a built-in parameter).
    • addInputOutputParameter

      WebComponentParameter addInputOutputParameter(String aName, UserMessage aLabel, UserMessage aDescription)
      Adds the specified input-output parameter.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a parameter with the same name already exists (it can be a built-in parameter).